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Shivansh Talwar shivanshtalwar0

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shivanshtalwar0 / baseService.js
Created January 12, 2025 15:59
baseService.js for prisma core tsed-helper
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BaseService = void 0;
const lodash_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash"));
const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
const prismaMetaMapper_1 = require("./prismaMetaMapper");
class BaseService {
"AF": {
"name": "Afghanistan",
"callingCode": 93,
"isoA2": "AF",
"isoA3": "AFG",
"isoNum": 4
"AL": {
"name": "Albania",
shivanshtalwar0 /
Created July 6, 2024 23:20
ffmpeg grid for 4 videos on cuda device
ffmpeg -y -hwaccel cuda \
-i video1.mp4 -hwaccel cuda -i video2.mp4 -hwaccel cuda -i video3.mp4 -hwaccel cuda -i video4.mp4 \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=iw/2:ih/2[v0];[1:v]scale=iw/2:ih/2[v1];[2:v]scale=iw/2:ih/2[v2];[3:v]scale=iw/2:ih/2[v3];[v0][v1]hstack[top];[v2][v3]hstack[bottom];[top][bottom]vstack" \
-c:v h264_nvenc -preset fast -b:v 5M output.mp4
shivanshtalwar0 /
Last active March 13, 2024 16:40
Watch active network connections to vm
alias watch_netstat='watch -n 1 "echo '\''Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State'\'' && sudo netstat -ant | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '\''\$2 > 0 || \$3 > 0'\''"'
shivanshtalwar0 / caddy_docker_compose.yaml
Created September 26, 2023 12:30
image: caddy:2.7.4
restart: always
- caddy_data:/data
- ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
- 80:80
- 443:443
shivanshtalwar0 /
Created September 8, 2023 11:29
Deploy Nuxt3 application to VPS using github actions

Step 1

Create a directory .github/workflows in root of. your project Create main.yml file in that directory with following content

name: Deploy

# Trigger the workflow on push and
# pull request events on the master branch
shivanshtalwar0 /
Created September 7, 2023 23:42 — forked from danielwetan/
Deploy Node.js to VPS using Github Actions

Deploy Node.js to VPS using Github Actions

Steps to deploy Node.js to VPS using PM2 and Github Actions

1. Clone repo to VPS folder

shivanshtalwar0 /
Created April 6, 2023 10:38
Asynchronously load image through Promise in vue js with directive

Create Global Directive

const vueApp=createApp({})
const replaceElementChildrenWithImage = async (el, binding ) => {
    try {
      const image = await binding.value;
      if (image) el.replaceChildren(image);
    } catch (err) {
      console.error("Image can't be resolved seems like url is broken",err);
shivanshtalwar0 / graphplotting.js
Last active January 12, 2022 09:47
graph plotting logic
var min=89;
var max=173;
var actualHeight=1200; // 500 pixels high graph
var tickCount =Math.round(actualHeight/100);
// we want lines about every 100 pixels.
if(tickCount <3) tickCount =3;
var range=Math.abs(max-min);
shivanshtalwar0 / pathToObject.js
Last active April 3, 2024 13:54
this gist gives working example of converting path to object for example it converts string 'band.material.quality' and value to ```js {band:{material:{quality:value}}}```
const object = {
"customer.firstname": "raj",
"customer.lastname": "sharma",
"kop.shak.rap": 99,
"kop.shak.saip": 99,
simon: "regular",
function convertPathObjectToObject(object: any) {
function injectInChild(arr: any, val: any, obj: any = {}, k: any = 0) {