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shykes / dagger-dependency-jam.cue
Created November 9, 2021 17:53
Looking for clean dependency API with Guillaume
registryURL: string
runRegistry: docker.#Run & {
args: ["registry", "-h", registryURL] // bla bla
// Wait for registry port to be available
hooks: post: waitRegistry: {
args: """
while true; do
curl -L -S "localhost:foo" && exit
sleep 1
shykes /
Last active August 7, 2019 15:06
set -ex
update() {
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl -L -o ~/bin/
chmod +x ~/bin/

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am shykes on github.
  • I am shykes ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAG6dMVHHD2CVy-aMBp-QRCYo--xvC2O4aQXhHUTN7dYQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y gcc
RUN gcc -o /src/myapp /src/myapp.c
IN /target {
FROM busybox
RUN cp /src/myapp /target/myapp
PUBLISH /target
shykes / gist:7776351
Last active December 30, 2015 04:29

Simple ambassador container

The Simple Ambassador Container (let's just call it the ambassador) is a reusable container which can be added to your stack to represent a remote service. Using an ambassador your application can discover remote services using docker's standard links features.


Example usage:

type Driver interface {
Create(id, parent string) error
Remove(id string) error
Get(id string) (dir string, err error)
Diff(id string) (archive.Archive, error)
DiffSize(id string) (bytes int64, err error)
Changes(id string) ([]Change, error)
interface GraphBackend {
Init(home string) error
Nuke() error
Create(img *Image, layer Archive) error
Delete(img *Image) error
Mount (img *Image, dest string) error
UnmountAll (img *Image) error
DiffList(*Image, dest string) ([]Change, error)
DiffLayer(*Image, dest string) (Archive, error)
shykes /
Last active December 24, 2015 03:09 — forked from crosbymichael/
func TestTree(t *testing.T) {
tree := NewTree("/path/to/db")
// List all root containers
names, _ := tree.List("/")
for _, name := range names {
fullPath := path.Join("/", name)
id, _ := tree.Get(fullPath)
fmt.Printf("%s is a link to %s\n", fullPath, id)
REDIS=$(docker run -d crosbymichael/redis)
docker run -link $REDIS:6379:redis -t -i 71cba4d74d62 bash
root@7c1879d423b6:/# cat
import docker
from redis import Redis
ip, port = docker.require('redis')
r = Redis(host=ip, port=int(port))