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Sibelius Seraphini sibelius

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sibelius /
Last active July 12, 2024 19:06
O que aprendi trabalhando na Woovi ?

Vi que os problemas e as resoluções precisam ser discutidos e compartilhados.

Escrever uma issue primeiro é muito melhor que sair codando.

Conheci várias ferramentas super úteis para front, tipo o Clarity.

Pude aprender conceitos de filas, webhook, feature flags. Assuntos que eu não conhecia até então. A tarefa dos e-mails foi muito boa para aprender como criar um job e como funcionam as filas. Uma das coisas que mais gostei de aprender.

Como eu ainda não tinha trabalhado em uma empresa nessa área, foi absolutamente tudo novo. Desde rotina de daily, apresentar e como apresentar algo, escrever documentação, escrever como testar uma nova funcionalidade, enfim tudo isso foi aprendizado também.

sibelius /
Last active July 30, 2024 19:59
  • do you use feature flags? expand
  • do you use git flow?
  • have you decoupled deploy from release?
  • do you use sprints?
  • do you have automated tests?
  • do you do refactoring?
  • do you use types (typescript)?
  • how do you manage the project?
  • do you have daily meetings? expand
  • do you have written documentation?
sibelius / metabaseEmbedResolver.spec.ts
Created May 17, 2024 12:14
metabase graphql resolver
export const metabaseEmbedResolver = {
metabaseEmbedUrl: {
type: GraphQLString,
args: {
question: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
params: {
type: GraphQLString,
sibelius / slack-daily.ts
Last active April 20, 2024 16:46
basic script to tag people that forget to answer daily thread
import { slackApp } from '../src/slackApp';
import { generalChannelId } from '../src/slackChannels';
import { config } from '../src/config';
import {
} from '../src/slack/membersMapping';
import { removeRepliedUsers } from '../src/commandMessage/dailyThreadCommand';
import { unique } from '../src/core/unique';
import { slackAllMembers } from '../src/slack/slackAllMembers';
sibelius / changelog.ts
Created January 23, 2024 16:30
create a feature-production/ branch to release to production, also create a new tag
import { exec as execCb } from 'child_process';
import dotenvSafe from 'dotenv-safe';
import fs from 'fs';
import moment from 'moment';
import path from 'path';
import semver from 'semver';
import util from 'util';
// eslint-disable-next-line
import git from 'simple-git';
// eslint-disable-next-line
sibelius /
Created January 17, 2024 14:57
paragraph structure
id title tags
Paragraph structure

import Embed from '../../src/Embed';

sibelius /
Created January 2, 2024 20:16 — forked from onlurking/
Programming as Theory Building - Peter Naur

Programming as Theory Building

Peter Naur

Peter Naur's classic 1985 essay "Programming as Theory Building" argues that a program is not its source code. A program is a shared mental construct (he uses the word theory) that lives in the minds of the people who work on it. If you lose the people, you lose the program. The code is merely a written representation of the program, and it's lossy, so you can't reconstruct

sibelius / acl.json
Last active December 12, 2023 19:45
acl s3 mongo backup staging
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
sibelius / rspack.many.js
Created November 30, 2023 14:13
trying to bundle many frontends in a single webpack
module.exports = merge(rspackDevConfig, {
entry: {
main: './src/index.tsx',
login: '../login/src/index.tsx',
console: '../console/src/index.tsx',
devServer: {
port: PORT,
sibelius / PixDynamic.tsx
Created October 20, 2023 01:07
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const value = 100;
const PixDynamic = () => {
const [giftbackValue, setGiftbackValue] = useState(null);
const [giftbackHash, setGiftbackHash] = useState(null);
const [shopperId, setShopperId] = useState(null);
const [modal, setModal] = useState<boolean>(true);