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Simon Hildrew sihil

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Fornoth /
Last active December 9, 2024 16:02
Makes a device show up in spotify connect devices list, but nothing else yet

#Python Script Setup

To get the python script running, run either pip install flask or pip install -r requirements.txt if you used git clone to clone the gist notes

##Using the library (still in progress) There's a that compiles a program that calls SpInit(), but doesn't get any farther because it needs more than just the API version number (which is 4)

##Spotify appkey

softprops /
Created June 24, 2011 06:11
sbt function operator cheatsheet

key independent functions

:=   binds single value
+=   appends single value
++=  appends seq of values

key dependent functions

<<=  binds single value

<+= appends single value