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Simon Wülker simonwuelker

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
  • Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
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simonwuelker /
Last active September 6, 2021 20:30
Quick Shell Script to run my edge detection algorithm on a given video file
# use with
# Create tmp directories
mkdir _tmp
mkdir _tmp/img
mkdir _tmp/processed
# Extract audio and source images from the input file
ffmpeg -nostdin -i input.mp4 _tmp/img/%06d.png
ffmpeg -nostdin -i input.mp4 _tmp/audio.mp3
simonwuelker /
Last active October 27, 2021 22:15
Vigenère Puzzle

Vigenère Puzzle (Crypto/Programming)

This is a hacking challenge i made for


Network Security Sam's sister, Vigenère Valary, is fascinated by encryption. As her name suggests, her favorite one is the Vigenère Cipher. However, she isn't aware of it's weaknesses just yet. Can you decode her secret message?

Do this

encrypted.txt contains a standard english text, encoded using Vigenère with an unknown key. All characters except [a-z] have been removed or converted to lowercase. Recover the key used to encrypt the text as well as cleartext. DM the key to Wuelle#9958, extra points if you also guess Valaries favorite Scifi-series.

simonwuelker /
Last active September 7, 2022 21:30
Crypto CTF challenge

This is a crypto challenge i created for the hackthissite discord. I have a working exploit, so I'm somewhat confident that everything works fine - still, if you run into any issues, feel free ping Alaska#4736. (Yes, the flag is already viewable. I'm not hosting an instance of this. If you create your own flag, make it about equal in length)