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Sina Rüeger sinarueeger

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sinarueeger /
Last active March 28, 2018 08:19
Ressources to learn git

Ressources to learn git

This is a small compilation of links to get started and familiar with git, github, command-line and R.

  • Learn git with exercises and a console in a browser: >> does not take long and is fun.

  • Happy git with R is a great manual to learn git for RStudio, includes tipps and tricks and more ressources.

  • SOS for git along the line oh shit, I did so and so, how can I make it right again?:

sinarueeger /
Last active October 21, 2024 13:30
Instructions on how to encrypt your documents and share them with collaborators

Getting started with encryption of documents

What is the problem

If you work with sensitive (human) data (e.g. anything that contains an identifier of an individual), you occasionally want to share that data. The most straightforward way to do so is to send them by email (and yes - we are all guilty of that!). The problem arises, if the data get into wrong hands. Let's say you send the email accidentally to the wrong person. Or worse, without your knowledge, the email gets into the wrong hands.

The good news is, that there is a secure & handy solution for this. But let's first have a look at some other solutions.

What about dropbox and other file hosting systems? ❌

sinarueeger /
Created April 6, 2018 13:23

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am sinarueeger on github.
  • I am sinarueeger ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCtlOlKL1ZrEZvqfhqahEU4CXvSGXcV7K45RJUytntxoAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

sinarueeger /
Last active July 2, 2018 13:41
How connect with remote people via livestream, recordings or webinars.

Streaming, recording, webinars

Below are instructions how to get streaming, recording or webinars working.

Setup livestream

Livestreaming of a meetup is a great opportunity for people who cannot be present otherwise (e.g. other responsibilities or because they are located elsewhere). However, unless expensive technical equipment is used and lots of social media interaction happens, the quality of a livestream will not replace the actual physical meetup experience.

sinarueeger / satrdaycdf-2018.Rmd
Last active November 10, 2023 02:15
Write-up of satRday in Cardiff 2018
# satRdays Cardiff 2018
This is a brief write-up of my [satRdays Cardiff]( experience.
First - what is a [**satRday**](
It is an awesome concept: attending an **R conference** organised by a **local RUG** on a **Saturday**.
The [programme]( in Cardiff had parallel sessions - tough decision-making to pick between promising talks!
sinarueeger /
Last active March 13, 2024 14:21
Extract data for single SNPs from large genetic datasets
sinarueeger / biomart-snippets.Rmd
Last active July 27, 2018 09:58
Code snippets for R-package biomaRt.
Here are some extra (unpolished) code snippets for the R-package `biomaRt` that came up during the writing of the [blogpost](
## Extract all SNPs for a particular genomic region
```{r, get-snp-info-pos-chr, include = TRUE, cache=TRUE, eval=FALSE}
## select mart
snpmart = useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", dataset="hsapiens_snp")
sinarueeger / bitmap.R
Created August 19, 2018 20:39 — forked from emitanaka/bitmap.R
Making the Rladies Sydney Bitmap Animation
b1 <- read.bitmap("~/Documents/rladies.png")
b2 <- read.bitmap("~/Documents/sydney.png")
x1 <- 1 - b1[,,1]
x2 <- 1 - b2[,,1]
# plot(raster::raster(x1)) # check
# plot(raster::raster(x2)) # check
sinarueeger / icon_xelatex.Rmd
Created October 3, 2018 07:34
skimr works with xelatex, but icon package won't
title: "icons"
toc: true
latex_engine: pdflatex
dev: cairo_pdf
monofont: Menlo