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Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam sivaa

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Step 1: Create Movie Add form
• movies.html
<form action="/movies/" method="post"> {% csrf_token %}
Movie Name: <input type="Text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="Add">
#================ PART - 0 - PRE-REQUISTES ================
# Install Django and Selenium
# Create a Django Project and add a package called functional_test
#================ PART - 1 - GETTING READY ================
# Step 1: Check if the server is running
from selenium import webdriver

Install Python

  • Download and install Python from here

    • Better to install at the default location(C:\Python27). If you are providing custom locations, avoid using spaces
  • Add the below directories to PATH environment variable. For more details, refer here

    • Python Base directory (Example: C:\Python27)
    • Python Scripts directory (Example: C:\Python27\Scripts)
  • It should look similar to this

      [Existing Paths];C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts;


  • All the linux distributions will have Python installed by default. The version can be verified using the python command.

Install Setup tools

  • Install pip and related packages

      sudo apt-get install python-pip 
  • Install virtualenvwrapper

#### Step 0: Installtion/Setup ####
Microsoft Windows 7 :
GNU/Linux Ubuntu :
GNU/Linux CentOS :
# Once the above setup is done, pull the latest content from the repository
git pull
#### Step 1: Django Project Creation ####
#### Step 0: Installtion/Setup ####
Microsoft Windows 7 :
GNU/Linux Ubuntu :
# Once the above setup is done, pull the latest content from the repository
git pull
#### Step 1: Django Project Creation ####
#### Step 0: Movie app Creation & Registration ####
# Create a demo app
python startapp movie
# Create a 'templates' directory under fav/movie/ folder
mkdir movie/templates
# Registred this app in the INSTALLED_APPS tuple in fav/fav/


Create a sudo user

adduser appuser
passwd appuser
# Provide the password here
sivaa / gist:df6442799248bdbb0bb5
Last active May 12, 2017 11:39
Thin Django - Guide
############ Part 0 - Prerequistes #############
# Step 1 : Setup your virtual environment
# Step 2 : Install the required dependencies
$ pip install django
$ pip install gunicorn
$ pip install PIL (For Windows : easy_install PIL)
# Step 3 : Create thin/
sivaa / gist:2d4722eded36714d4b8a
Last active November 25, 2016 12:02
Django Workshop - Work space Setup on CentOS

High level overview using Centos

  • Install dev tools and compilers
  • Install Python 2.7.12
  • Install Python package manager - pip.
  • Install Python environment manager - virtualenv
  • Download source code
