I hereby claim:
- I am skout23 on github.
- I am skout23 (https://keybase.io/skout23) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDw8P2ph2XFQLlCW0GtGhnuJZlOBN6nQMSmPzXH_VPlYAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'geoip' | |
# install rubygems and geoip gem | |
# grab geoip db before | |
# | |
# wget -N -q http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz | |
# gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz in same folder as this script |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# cleaned up a bit, makes use of memoize to better handle queries to the EC2 backend, less calls == faster. | |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'aws-sdk' | |
regions = [ | |
"ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", |
require 'json' | |
require 'rest-client' | |
=begin | |
{"data"=> | |
{"district"=>"4fd43cc56d11340000000005", | |
"school"=>"4fee004cca2e43cf27000002", | |
"name"=>"Advanced Literature 1(B)", | |
"teacher"=>"4fee004dca2e43cf270007e8", |
# act like GNU screen | |
unbind C-b | |
set -g prefix C-a | |
# look good | |
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" | |
# Allows for faster key repetition | |
set -s escape-time 0 |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# silly base64decode(rot13()) | |
require 'base64' | |
string = "VW5jY2wgT3ZlZ3VxbmwgTnkh" | |
plain = Base64.decode64(string).to_s.tr 'A-Za-z','N-ZA-Mn-za-m' | |
puts plain |
~$ azure vm list | |
info: Executing command vm list | |
data: DNS Name VM Name Status | |
data: -------------------------------- ----------- --------- | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm0 ReadyRole | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm1 ReadyRole | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm2 ReadyRole | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm3 NotReady | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm4 ReadyRole | |
data: my-vm-name.cloudapp-preview.net my-vm5 ReadyRole |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
require 'time' | |
$output = File.open("tstamp.csv",'w') | |
$input = File.open("dork.in",'r') | |
def gimmetime(str) | |
d1 = Time.parse(str) | |
rm1 = Random.new |
# script to watch production code commit log and send a diff of if any changes for PCI regulation needs | |
require 'rss' | |
require 'openssl' | |
DEBUG = false | |
# set the local store for marshalled data | |
$prod_code_last_reported_date = '/home/someuser/bin/watch_rss/data/last_reported.yml' |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# | |
# quick poc to print out the mario half pyramid | |
# | |
# | |
def pymid(base) | |
1.upto(base) do |row| | |
str = "#" * row |