This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.
To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application:
Recently, I had to implement an offline mapping solution for an iOS application. Here's a walkthrough of how to do it.
I generated a tile database using TileMill. I used the Route-Me iOS library which provides a map view that supports offline tile sources.
" CtrlP OS-X Menu remapping | |
if has("gui_macvim") | |
set guioptions=egmrt | |
macmenu &File.New\ Tab key=<D-S-t> | |
set guifont=Menlo\ for\ Powerline:h16 | |
endif | |
map <D-Down> <C-W><Down> | |
map <D-Up> <C-W><Up> | |
map <D-Left> <C-W><Left> |