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Calm 🕊️

Siddharath Bhardwaj sobhardwaj

Calm 🕊️
  • Freelancer
  • New Delhi, India
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sobhardwaj /
Created April 30, 2020 21:03 — forked from cuibonobo/
How to structure a large application in Flask. Taken from the Flask wiki:

Here's an example application that uses the pattern detailed below:

This document is an attempt to describe the first step of a large project structure with flask and some basic modules:

  • SQLAlchemy
  • WTForms

Please feel free to fix and add your own tips.

abstract class AuthService {
// Subject tracks the current token, or is null if no token is currently
// available (e.g. refresh pending).
private subject = new BehaviorSubject<string|null>(null);
readonly refreshToken: Observable<any>;
readonly token: Observable<string>;
constructor() {
// refreshToken, when subscribed, gets the new token from the backend,
sobhardwaj /
Created November 6, 2020 19:12 — forked from julianpoemp/
Optimal .htaccess configuration for Angular 9, Angular 8, Angular 7, Angular 6, Angular 5 (and older) app in production incl. fix for the angular browser caching issue.

New generator

I created a new htaccess generator for angular apps that makes it easier for you to create the optimal htaccess file:

The goal of this generator is to make the configuration process much easier. To make this possible I created a kind of interview mode with some questions. As an additional feature the generator supports adding exclusions for example if you have installed a blog in a subdirectory of your web application.

The generator 😁: The project: Place for issues and bug reports: