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southly / framework.l
Created February 28, 2012 05:18 — forked from bowbow99/framework.l
#xyzzy nanri-master から multiframe へ取り込んだ変更のテスト
;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: user -*-
1. どこかへ framework.l と nanri-master-change-tests.l をダウンロード
2. M-x load-file
load file: path/to/framework.l
3. M-x load-test-file
test file: path/to/nanri-master-change-tests.l
4. M-x change-tests
;; xyzzy の epsilon 周りがおかしい
(defconstant my-short-float-epsilon
(do* ((fe 1.1s0 fl)
(fl 1.0s0 (/ fl 2.0s0)))
((not (and (/= (+ 1.0s0 fl) 1.0s0)
(> fe fl)))
southly / gist:559544
Created August 31, 2010 19:09 — forked from miyamuko/gist:472442
;; 今開いているソースを GitHub で開く
;; xyzzy のソース
(defvar *github-xyzzy-src*
(defvar *local-xyzzy-src*
(defun show-current-source-on-github ()
;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
;;; Package Management
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :hige
(:use :cl)
#+ABCL (:shadow :y-or-n-p)
(:export #:pin