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Takanori MAEHARA spaghetti-source

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// n-gram graph G = (V,E)
// V: set of n-grams (i.e., n-tuple of words)
// E: u->v iff v is a next n-gram of v in the document
// Usage: ./a.out < pg11.txt
// ( )
// the_march_hare 0.224377
// march_hare_said 0.04768
// march_hare_interrupted 0.02384
// n-grams graph G = (V,E)
// V: set of n-grams (i.e., n-tuple of words for n = 1 .. N )
// E: u->v iff v is a next n-gram of v in the document
// Usage: ./a.out < pg11.txt
// ( )
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>




% Modified (numerical stable) version of Walker and Zhou's Simpler GMRES.
% Homer F. Walker and Lu Zhou (1994): A simpler GMRES.
% Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol.1, No.6, 571-581.
% (,NLAA_1,1994,571-581.pdf )
n = 100;
A = diag( log( [2:n+1] ) ) + randn(n);
n = 400;
A = diag( log( [2:n+1] ) ) + randn(n) / n;
b = randn(n,1);
y = A \ b;
EPS = 1e-8;
disp(' '); disp('GRR');
spaghetti-source /
Last active December 19, 2015 13:59
Newton-Krylov method for function minimization.
// Newton-Krylov method
// The Newton method is:
// Step 1. solve H(x) u = g(x), where H is a Hessian and g is a gradient.
// Step 2. update x = x - u.
// This is a second order method, which requires a Hessian information.
// On the Newton-Krylov method, Step 1 is implemented as
// (a) solve this equation by iterative (Krylov subspace) method.
// (b) use numerical difference to LHS evaluation, i.e.,
spaghetti-source / ip-dualascent.m
Last active December 19, 2015 14:49
{0,1} Integer Programming; dual ascent
% solve min c'x s.t. Ax >= b, x in {0,1}^n
% Lagrangian L(x,u) := cx + ub - uAx
% original problem:
% min[x] max[u] L(x,u)
% Lagrangian dual
% max[u] min[x] L(x,u)
spaghetti-source /
Last active December 19, 2015 17:39
Zero-suppressed binary decision diagram with family algebra operations
// Zero-suppressed binary decision diagram with family algebra operations
// References:
// S. Minato (1993):
// Zero-suppressed BDDs for set manipulation in combinatorial problems.
// Proceedings of the 30st annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 272-277.
// S. Minato (1994):
// Calculation of unate cube set algebra using zero-suppressed BDDs.
// Proceedings of the 31st annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 420-424.
spaghetti-source /
Created July 19, 2013 10:43
Runtime error (Eigen 3.1.1) if compile with "g++ -O3". if -O2 instead of -O3, runtime error.does not arise.
// Runtime error if compile with "g++ -O3"
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
void f() {
MatrixXd U(2,2);
U = U*U; // runtime error
spaghetti-source / bitmap.h
Last active December 20, 2015 12:39
Image Inpainting (Poisson iteration)
#pragma once
#include <vector>
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
WORD bfType;