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A. Stoewer stoewer

  • Australia, Brisbane
  • 02:54 (UTC +10:00)
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stoewer / parquet_write_map.go
Created June 26, 2023 08:13
parquet-go GenericWriter should write map keys to matching columns
package main
import (
stoewer / ToSnakeCase.go
Last active March 29, 2022 16:59
Convert camel case to snake case in Go
import (
var matchFirstCap = regexp.MustCompile("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)")
var matchAllCap = regexp.MustCompile("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])")
stoewer / InspectStructs.go
Last active April 8, 2016 17:45
Inspect a struct in go
package main
import (
type Foo struct {
Bar string `param:"bar"`
Bla string `param:"bla"`
stoewer / migrate_bc16.sql
Created March 4, 2016 13:13
Fills GCA database with good defaults after migration to the BC16 schema
UPDATE conference SET isactive = FALSE WHERE isactive IS NULL ;
UPDATE conference SET haspresentationprefs = TRUE WHERE haspresentationprefs IS NULL ;
UPDATE conference SET ctime = deadline WHERE ctime IS NULL ;
UPDATE conference SET mtime = deadline WHERE mtime IS NULL ;
UPDATE conference SET conferencegroup = 'BC' WHERE conferencegroup IS NULL ;
UPDATE abstract SET ctime = c.deadline FROM abstract a JOIN conference c ON a.conference_uuid = c.uuid WHERE a.ctime IS NULL ;
UPDATE abstract SET mtime = c.deadline FROM abstract a JOIN conference c ON a.conference_uuid = c.uuid WHERE a.mtime IS NULL ;
UPDATE account SET ctime = (SELECT deadline FROM conference WHERE short = 'BC15') WHERE ctime IS NULL ;
stoewer /
Last active April 8, 2016 17:50
Show git status in prompt
# git status
function parse_git_dirty {
[[ $(git status 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" ]] && echo "*"
function parse_git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e "s/* \(.*\)/[\1$(parse_git_dirty)]/"
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]:$(parse_git_branch)$ '
template<typename TOBJ, typename TRET, typename TCHECK>
must(const TOBJ &parent, TRET(TOBJ::*get)(void)const, const TCHECK &check, const std::string &msg);
Version: GnuPG v1
stoewer / gist:9461273
Created March 10, 2014 08:20
Javascript OO pattern and inheritance
function isGlobal(other) {
return (function() { return this == other; })();
function inherit(object, superclass) {
if (superclass instanceof Function) {
if (arguments.length > 2) {