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Lars Erik Storbukås storbukas

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storbukas / da-lbe-client.c
Last active February 11, 2018 22:06
DA-LBE socket option example
* Author: Lars Erik Storbukås <[email protected]>
* Date: 11/02-2018
* Description:
* Simple TCP client transferring a file to a destination with
* DA-LBE mechanisms enabled. This transfer has configured a
* probability of 5% of Phantom ECN signals (which reduce the
storbukas /
Created February 5, 2018 19:22
DD-WRT Unknown client notification
# Details:
# Author: Lars Erik Storbukås <[email protected]>
# System: DD-WRT v3.0-r28628 std (12/29/15)
# File location: /jffs/ets/scripts/
# DHCP Lease Notifier
# ------------------------