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stuartnelson3 / output.txt
Created September 12, 2018 14:02
fwupdtool output
# sudo /usr/lib/fwupd/fwupdtool --verbose --plugin-whitelist=uefi get-devices --show-all-devices
(fwupdtool:11427): As-DEBUG: 16:01:48.106: run FuEngine:load
(fwupdtool:11427): Fu-DEBUG: 16:01:48.106: loading config values from /etc/fwupd/daemon.conf
(fwupdtool:11427): Fwupd-DEBUG: 16:01:48.107: looking for os-release at /etc/os-release
(fwupdtool:11427): As-DEBUG: 16:01:48.107: run AsStore:load-installed{/usr/share/fwupd/metainfo}
(fwupdtool:11427): As-DEBUG: 16:01:48.107: adding existing file: /usr/share/fwupd/metainfo/org.freedesktop.fwupd.remotes.lvfs-testing.metainfo.xml
(fwupdtool:11427): As-DEBUG: 16:01:48.107: adding existing file: /usr/share/fwupd/metainfo/org.freedesktop.fwupd.remotes.lvfs.metainfo.xml
(fwupdtool:11427): As-DEBUG: 16:01:48.109: Emitting ::changed() [load-installed]
(fwupdtool:11427): Fu-DEBUG: 16:01:48.109: using config path of /etc/fwupd
(fwupdtool:11427): Fu-DEBUG: 16:01:48.109: loading config from /etc/fwupd/remotes.d/lvfs.conf
stuartnelson3 / memberlist.go
Last active June 1, 2018 15:52
Probability of a peer in memberlist not receiving a message
// Modeled on
package main
import (
stuartnelson3 / Cargo.toml
Last active July 18, 2017 22:32
borrowing + lifetime issues
name = "rust_learning"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Stuart Nelson <[email protected]>"]
prometheus = "0.2"
stuartnelson3 /
Created October 10, 2016 06:58 — forked from yang-wei/
Elm Json.Decode tutorial and cheatsheet

When receiving JSON data from other resources(server API etc), we need Json.Decode to convert the JSON values into Elm values. This gist let you quickly learn how to do that.

I like to follow working example code so this is how the boilerplate will look like:

import Graphics.Element exposing (Element, show)
import Task exposing (Task, andThen)
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, int, string, object3, (:=))

import Http
stuartnelson3 / upload.js
Created July 31, 2014 18:24
Upload file on textarea drop
function addImageMarkdown(e, altText, imagePath) {
var startPos = e.selectionStart;
var endPos = e.selectionEnd;
e.value = e.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ "![" + altText + "](" + imagePath + ")"
+ e.value.substring(endPos, e.value.length);
$(document).on('drop', 'textarea', function(e) {
stuartnelson3 / resize.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
golang resize image
package main
import (
stuartnelson3 / killall
Created January 21, 2014 16:17
kill -9 everything
ps aux |
grep $1 |
ruby -ne 'print $_.split[1]+"\n"' |
xargs kill -9
stuartnelson3 / audite.rb
Created December 6, 2013 15:50
play mp3s passed as command line arguments
require 'audite'
player = do
# actions to complete after song finishes
end do |pos|
# puts "POSITION: #{pos} seconds level #{player.level}"
stuartnelson3 / remove_old_branches.rb
Created June 10, 2013 19:30
set file to executable and drop in /usr/local/bin/
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'date'
commit_branches_and_dates = `git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname) %(committerdate)'`.split("\n").map {|e| e[11..-1] }.map {|e| e.split(' ', 2) }
one_month_in_seconds = 60*60*24*30
parsable_time = ( - one_month_in_seconds).to_s
one_month_before_now = Date.parse(parsable_time)
deleted_branch_count = 0
commit_branches_and_dates.each do |branch, date|
date = Date.parse date