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Suewon Bahng suewonjp

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suewonjp / Open_iTerm2.txt
Last active July 28, 2016 13:45
[Mac OS X Tip] Open a new iTerm tab from the current folder in Finder
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set dir_path to quoted form of (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias))
end tell
end run
on CD_to(theDir)
tell application "iTerm"
suewonjp /
Last active May 22, 2017 06:14
Bash Functions for Simple Directory Backup
checkBackupTarget() {
[ ! "$1" ] \
&& echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME [ directory-to-backup ]" \
&& echo "Note: the path should be relative" \
&& return 2
local tgtPath=$1
[ ! -d "$tgtPath" ] \
&& printf "$FUNCNAME : \"%s\" does NOT exist!!!\n" "$tgtPath" \
suewonjp / mappings-for-windows-and-tabs.vim
Last active October 4, 2017 02:05
[vim tip] key mappings for conveniently traversing windows and tabs
" These mappings are based on the default key movement scheme of Vim (h, j, k, l)
" For example, when you want to move to the left tab, press Alt + h
" When you want to move to the window underneath, press Shift + Alt + j
" Paste the below code to your Vim settings file ( ~/.vimrc )
" Map Alt(Meta) key combinations
execute "set <M-l>=\el"
execute "set <M-h>=\eh"
execute "set <M-L>=\eL"
execute "set <M-H>=\eH"
suewonjp / prefix_suffix.js
Created June 7, 2016 08:04
[JavaScript snippet] string prefix, suffix
function prefix(str, sep) {
// prefix("", ".") => foo
return str && str.substring(0, str.indexOf(sep));
function suffix(str, sep, excludeSep) {
// suffix("", ".") => .txt
// suffix("", ".", true) => txt
return str && str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(sep) + (excludeSep === true ? sep.length : 0));
suewonjp /
Last active June 7, 2016 08:32
[Bash tip] Safer 'rm -rf' command
if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
echo "Wrapper script for the dangerous 'rm -rf'"
echo "Usage : $scriptName [folder to delete]"
exit 0
suewonjp / toggle-qf-win.vim
Created June 7, 2016 08:51
[vim tip] Toggle Quickfix Window
function! ToggleQuickfix()
let l:nr = winnr("$")
if l:nr == 1
suewonjp / Building Primefaces from
Last active January 18, 2017 10:31
Building Primefaces from source

  1. git-clone the packages:

     git clone
     git clone
  2. Find out maven-jsf-plugin version before trying to build Primefaces

  • Especially when you want to build older snapshots of Primefaces, you need to build maven-jsf-plugin that matches them
suewonjp /
Last active January 6, 2017 11:29
Bash - Simple echo function to print colorful text
### Font colors
red=1 green=2 yellow=3 blue=4 magenta=5 cyan=6
### Font attributes
bold=1 underline=4 reverse=7
preecholor() {
printf '\e[%s;3%dm' "$1" "$2"
suewonjp /
Last active January 7, 2017 09:28
compare two version notation strings in Bash
versionAccepted() {
### $1 is the minimum required version, $2 is the version in question;
### If $1 < $2, return 0 (the input version is accepted)
### otherwise, return 1 (not accepted)
versions=( "$1" "$2" )
#printf "${versions[*]}\n"
for (( i=0; i<${#versions[@]}; ++i )); do
suewonjp / Converting .bat to .exe using
Created January 10, 2017 03:51
Converting .bat to .exe using AutoIt

There are many ways to convert Windows batch script files to .exe files;

Unfortunately, most of hit methods when searching with
may not work or may not satisfy your quality demand;

Many of these naive implementations may let most of antivirus apps consider your result .exe file as a malware;

I tested several tools but until now, AutoIt is the best tool to convert .bat to .exe
