__author__ = 'Adam R. Smith'

class IDPool(object):
    Create a pool of IDs to allow reuse. The "new_id" function generates the next
    valid ID from the previous one. If not given, defaults to incrementing an integer.

    def __init__(self, new_id=None):
        if new_id is None: new_id = lambda x: x + 1

        self.ids_in_use = set()
        self.ids_free = set()
        self.new_id = new_id
        self.last_id = 0

    def get_id(self):
        if len(self.ids_free) > 0:
            return self.ids_free.pop()

        self.last_id = id_ = self.new_id(self.last_id)
        return id_

    def release_id(self, the_id):
        if the_id in self.ids_in_use:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = IDPool()
    for i in xrange(5):
        print 'got id: %d' % pool.get_id()
    print 'releasing id 3'
    print 'got id: %d' % pool.get_id()
    print 'got id: %d' % pool.get_id()