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syn·fo·naut synfonaut

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// [email protected]
const bitwork = require('bitwork');
const config = {
rpc: { host: "...", user: "...", pass: "..." },
peer: { host: "..." },
chain: null,
synfonaut /
Last active August 1, 2023 15:22
Bitcoin SV Stable Protocol Restoration

Bitcoin SV Stable Protocol Restoration

These are the pending changes to Bitcoin SV's stable protocol — many of these were changed/removed by BTC/BCH and are being restored carefully or in ways that fix the original issues. Other changes are primarily scaling parameters or optimizations.

Remove dust limit & 0-satoshi utxos

Once upon a time some BTC developers, mindful of their parental responsibilities to all participants in the Bitcoin network, introduced a protective mechanism called the Dust limit

This limit will be removed entirely by the end of the year allowing even 0 value outputs.