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import { Tabs, TabStrip, TabStripItem, TabContentItem } from '@nativescript/core/ui/tabs'; //Import
class AppContainer extends React.Component<Props, State> {
private readonly pageRef: React.RefObject<Page> = React.createRef<Page>();
private readonly tabs = new Tabs();
componentDidMount() {
const frame: Frame = this.mainFrame.current!;
create: () => {
const page: Page = this.pageRef.current!;
@import '~@nativescript/theme/css/core.css';
@import '~@nativescript/theme/css/default.css';
font-family: FontAwesome, FontAwesome
font-family: AntDesign, anticon
export default {
"Zocial": {
"acrobat": "",
"amazon": "",
"android": "",
"angellist": "",
"aol": "",
"appnet": "",
"appstore": "",
"bitbucket": "",
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader/root';
import * as React from "react";
import { $Page, $ActionBar, $Frame, $ScrollView, $GridLayout, $AbsoluteLayout, $StackLayout, $ListView, $Label } from "react-nativescript";
import { Frame, Page, Color } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame'; //Step Two Import
import { ItemSpec } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/layouts/grid-layout'; //Step Two Import
import IconSet from '.././font-icons';
import { screen } from 'tns-core-modules/platform'; //Step 3 Import
interface Props {
forwardedRef: React.RefObject<Frame>,
return (
<$Frame ref={forwardedRef}>
<$Page androidStatusBarBackground={nsRed} ref={this.pageRef} actionBarHidden={true}>
<$GridLayout background={'#eee'} rows={[
new ItemSpec(1, 'auto'), //Header
new ItemSpec(1, 'star'), //Body
new ItemSpec(40, 'pixel') //Bottom Red Strip
<$GridLayout rows={[
new ItemSpec(1, 'star'), //Background
interface User {
company: string
username: string
password: string
role: string
phone: string
cell: string
const users: User[] = [
renderHeaderContent = () => {
return (
<$GridLayout padding={`0 20`} rows={[
new ItemSpec(1, 'star'), //Background
new ItemSpec(30, 'pixel') // Padding to allow for the search input overlay
]} columns={[
new ItemSpec(30, 'pixel'),
new ItemSpec(1, 'star'),
new ItemSpec(30, 'pixel')
]} row={0} background={normalRed} height={150}>