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Building something meaningful

Biswarup Banerjee techguybiswa

Building something meaningful
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techguybiswa / WhatsAppAutomationScript.js
Created March 11, 2019 18:36
What's App Automated "New Year Wish" Script
let listOfRecentContacts = document.getElementsByClassName("_3j7s9");
console.log("listOfRecentContacts.length = " + listOfRecentContacts.length);
var eventToSwitchMessageBox = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
let count =1;
let openMessageBox = setInterval(function(){
// if(count>listOfRecentContacts.length) {
if(count>5) {
console.log("Clearing interval with clearInterval...");
// linkedin script
var listOfTopInvitations = document.getElementsByClassName("invitation-card__action-btn button-secondary-medium");
for (var i = 0;i<listOfTopInvitations.length();i++) { listOfTopInvitations[i].click() }
techguybiswa / LinkedInAutocoment.js
Last active March 31, 2019 15:59
Automatically reply to ALL your LinkedIn Comments
var listOfCommentBox = document.getElementsByTagName("article");
//get the array list of all the div-s that has the comments
let extractedListOfFirstComment = [];
// store the author details of the comment
let listOfDiv = [];
//store the div-s of the comment
let count =0;
function generateComment(name,index) {
let textToSend = "Hey There. I wanted to wish you Happy New Year. Hope you are doing great.";
textToSend = textToSend.split(".");
let count = 0;
let textbox = document.querySelector('div._2S1VP');
let event = new InputEvent('input', {
bubbles: true
let messageLoop = setInterval(function(){
textbox.textContent =textToSend[count] ;
techguybiswa / HashMap.ts
Created April 23, 2019 07:53 — forked from alaa-eddine/HashMap.ts
This is an experimental HashMap implementation with some features I needed and didn't found in JS default Arrays and Objects Features : * Direct acces too elements throught .get(key) * fast keys or values iteration using for (;;) instead of for in syntax ( )
This is an experimental HashMap implementation with some features I needed and didn't found in JS default Arrays and Objects
Features :
* Direct acces too elements throught .get(key)
* fast keys or values iteration using for (;;) instead of for in syntax ( )
class HashMap {
public length: number = 0;