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Matteo Parmi tejo

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tejo / gist:58932
Created February 5, 2009 19:16 — forked from rails/gist:58761
var DateHelper = {
// Takes the format of "Jan 15, 2007 15:45:00 GMT" and converts it to a relative time
// Ruby strftime: %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S GMT
time_ago_in_words_with_parsing: function(from) {
var date = new Date;
return this.time_ago_in_words(date);
time_ago_in_words: function(from) {
tejo / gist:58933
Created February 5, 2009 19:16 — forked from rails/gist:58761
var DateHelper = {
// Takes the format of "Jan 15, 2007 15:45:00 GMT" and converts it to a relative time
// Ruby strftime: %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S GMT
time_ago_in_words_with_parsing: function(from) {
var date = new Date;
return this.time_ago_in_words(date);
time_ago_in_words: function(from) {
$.getJSON("", function(data){
$.each(data.user.repositories, function(i,repo){
$('#ghbadge').append('<li><a title="'+repo.description+'" href="'+repo.url+'" target="blank">''</a></li>');
//$('#ghbadge > li').slideDown();
$.getJSON("", function(data){
$.each(data.user.repositories, function(i,repo){
$('#ghbadge').append('<li><a title="'+repo.description+'" href="'+repo.url+'" target="blank">''</a></li>');
$.getJSON("", function(data){
$.each(data.user.repositories, function(i,repo){
$('#ghbadge').append('<li><a title="'+repo.description+'" href="'+repo.url+'" target="blank">''</a></li>');
sudo bash -c "ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386' gem install mysql -- \
# Unattended REE/Passenger installation with nginx
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
echo "You need to be root to run this!"
exit 2
# Quick wrapper for undocumented and unsupported API
require 'rubygems'
gem 'httparty', '>= 0.3.1'
require 'httparty'
module MyMileMarker
class Client
include HTTParty
# Monkey-patch for Passenger to use the EventMachine reactor.
# This allows the use of EM timers, EM.system/popen, and other async libraries (amqp, em-http-request, etc) inside a Rails process.
# This requires which was added to EM's git repo recently. Build an EM gem first:
# git clone git://
# cd eventmachine
# gem build eventmachine.gemspec
# sudo gem install eventmachine-0.12.9.gem
# Please do not use this in production =)
# check if memcached is running; if it is, use that instead of the default memory cache
Timeout.timeout(0.5) {"localhost", 11211) { } }
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, %w(localhost:11211), { :namespace => 'OI', :timeout => 60 }
$stderr.puts "Using memcached on localhost:11211"
rescue StandardError
config.cache_store = nil
$stderr.puts "memcached not running, caching to memory"