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Noah Sussman textarcana

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textarcana / Freenode Account Setup
Created February 13, 2009 15:52
Freenode registration
== Example
/nick homer
/msg nickserv register changeme [email protected]
/nick homer_
/msg nickserv group
/nick awesome_homer
/msg nickserv group
textarcana / .emacs
Created February 14, 2009 22:06
.emacs file for Aquamacs Emacs and GNU Emacs on OS X.
;;Noah Sussman's .emacs file for Aquamacs Emacs and GNU Emacs on OS X.
;;Branched February 16 2008 from my config for GNU Emacs for Windows, created Oct 18 2001.
;;Time-stamp: </Users/noah/Documents/n_s/config/emacs/aquamacs/.emacs last changed by Noah Sussman on noah.local/Textarcana Saturday 14 February 2009 at EST 16:51:25>
(load-file "~/.emacs-cfg/secrets.el")
;;;; Spaces are always used for indendation
;;;;;; Haml and Sass modes require this setting
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
textarcana / .emacs
Created February 15, 2009 13:56
.emacs for Windows port of GNU Emacs
;; Noah Sussman's .emacs file
;; Created Oct 18, 2001
;; Time-stamp: <c:/noah/n_s/config/emacs/.emacs last changed by Noah Sussman on PENTAGRAM/Textarcana Friday 27 February 2009 at Eastern Standard Time 12:37:21>
;; Introduction
;; emacs command reference:
;; Normally you can type M-x shell to open a new shell buffer, but if you already have one open that will just switch to the existing one. The solution is to use M-x rename-buffer to change the name of the first shell buffer before creating another one.
;; Use M-r regexp and M-s regexp to search in reverse and forward, respectively, through the command history. To search using the same regex as last time, leave the regex entery field blank and hit return.
textarcana / ERC Robot configuration (IRC chat bot for Emacs).el
Created February 17, 2009 15:23
ERC Robot config - IRC bot for Emacs
;;;; ERC Robot
; See
; On first installing Aquamacs, do the following 4 steps to install erc-robot,
; then just paste this entire gist at the bottom of your .emacs
; cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aquamacs\ Emacs/
; mkdir site-lisp
; cd site-lisp
; wget
textarcana / Log into #zepinvest from Mibbit
Created February 19, 2009 14:33
Unbanning yourself on Freenode
1. Go to
2. Fill in the nickname field with your nickname.
3. Leave #mibbit as the channel, DO NOT JOIN #zepinvest _yet._
4. Click the Go button and connect to Freenode. You should now be in the #mibbit channel.
5. Send the following message:
/msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
6. You should now see the message "You are now identified for <your nick>." If not, revisit step 5.
7. Send the following message:
/join #zepinvest
textarcana / equal_height_columns.js
Created February 20, 2009 22:35
One way to ensure one column is the same height as another. Extra complex because I am using 'sliding doors' drop shadow on the columns. Appears to work in FF, IE, Opera, Chrome and Webkit but ymmv.
* Equal height column hack for Favorites box
var fudgeAmt = (document.all === null ? 47 : 27);
var heightToMatch = $('equalHeightColumnsHack').clientHeight - fudgeAmt;
var shadowHeight = heightToMatch + 24;
var elems = {};
elems.container = $$('#featured .content')[0];
elems.shadow = $$('#featured .content .dropShadowHack')[0];
/* Prettified the getComputedStyle wrapper a bit over what's in the repo, see */
textarcana / ECB_Installation_and_Configuration_for_Macports_1.7.el
Created February 23, 2009 18:40
Install and configure ECB (the Emacs Code Browser) and its dependencies, on Macports 1.7
;; Emacs Code Browser
;; On Macports 1.7 it appears ECB can't install because it looks for speedbar as a dependency, but that port isnt available as its been rolled into cedet-devel.
;; So with 1.7, I did the following (which appears to work):
;; sudo port install cedet-devel
;; wget
;; open ecb-2.32.tar.gz
;; mv ecb-2.32 ecb
;; sudo mv ecb /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
(load-file "/opt/local/var/macports/software/cedet-devel/1.0pre4_0/opt/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/common/cedet.el")
textarcana / why I love windows.txt
Created February 27, 2009 15:54
Why I love Windows: what changed in my config between the 3 times I invoked this command? NOTHING <insert insane laughter>
c:\noah\n_s\config\emacs>svn ci -m "fixing insane semicolons in both my PC emacs config files. Comments really need to be cleaned up." .
6521 [main] svn 5448 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening input console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win3
2 error 5
11294 [main] svn 5448 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening output console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win
32 error 5
18275 [main] svn 5448 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening input console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win3
2 error 5
23035 [main] svn 5448 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening output console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win
32 error 5
29676 [main] svn 5448 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening input console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win3
# -w switch is off bc HERE docs cause erroneous messages to be displayed under Cygwin
#From the Perl Cookbook, Ch. 9.9
# rename - Larry's filename fixer
$help = <<EOF;
Usage: rename expr [files]
This script's first argument is Perl code that alters the filename (stored in \$_ ) to reflect how you want the file renamed. It can do this because it uses an eval to do the hard work. It also skips rename calls when the filename is untouched. This lets you simply use wildcards like rename EXPR * instead of making long lists of filenames.
Here are five examples of calling the rename program from your shell:
textarcana / gist:80081
Created March 16, 2009 21:12
JSON format used by the New York Times Article Skimmer
"channel": {
"items": [
"title":"Madoff’s Bail Revoked After Guilty Pleas to All Charges",
"description":"Bernard L. Madoff was sent to jail to await sentencing on Thursday after expressing remorse for running a vast Ponzi scheme.",