One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
An overview of projects and components, as well as their respective translation progression.
. After that fill in the Project information for your ProjectGithubLocalize is completely free, this feature makes it easier for the user to integrate a lot of projects.
Projects can easily be integrated with Github when synced with the repo, it tracks changes in the repository and pulls them into the projects which are synced back to the repo (branch) via a pull request.
Remote development Extension pack on VS Code
In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, the open source project Tola ("Tola") must have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file that has been signed by each Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of Tola and its users; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose. This Agreement allows an individual or an entity to submit Contributions to Tola, to authorize Contributions submitted by its designated employees to Tola, and to grant copyright and patent licenses. thereto. You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to Tola. Except for the license granted herein to Tola and recipients of software distributed by Tola, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions. Definitions. "You" (or "Your") shall mean the cop