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Johannes thejoltjoker

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thejoltjoker /
Created December 14, 2016 11:52
append 4 photos to create one highres.
# files need to be named according to this convention:
# name.[####].part_##.ext
# example.1001.part_01.exr
for i in `ls -t *part_01*`; do
echo 'Merging parts for '$i
echo ${i%part*}part_01.$filext
convert +append ${i%part*}part_01.$filext ${i%part*}part_02.$filext ${i%part*}_top.$filext
thejoltjoker /
Created April 26, 2017 04:43
An ffmpeg command to encode a video for Youtube based on their recommended settings.
# Use ffmpeg to encode an input to a video with settings suggested by youtube.
ffmpeg -i input.%04d.dpx -c:v libx264 -movflags faststart -crf 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 24 -g 12 -bf 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 384k -ar 48000 output.mp4
thejoltjoker / wacomFix.bat
Created May 17, 2017 17:01
The Wacom Tablet Service isn't great and needs to be restarted every now and then. This script stops and starts the Wacom Tablet Service.
net stop WTabletServicePro
net start WTabletServicePro
thejoltjoker / shelf_Custom.mel
Created May 24, 2017 16:51
My custom shelf in Maya.
global proc shelf_Custom () {
global string $gBuffStr;
global string $gBuffStr0;
global string $gBuffStr1;
-enableCommandRepeat 1
-enable 1
-width 35
doskey nuke="C:\Program Files\Nuke10.5v2\Nuke10.5.exe"
magick convert -colorspace sRGB -alpha off input.exr output.png
thejoltjoker /
Created December 23, 2018 00:02
Fix Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 default proportional scaling.
echo "TransformProportionalScale 0" > ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ CC\ 2019\ Settings/PSUserConfig.txt
for f in ./bbn_linje002_titles_full_v011.*.png; do
rm $f
thejoltjoker / bas-kontoplan-2023.csv
Created June 3, 2023 11:19
BAS kontoplan för 2023, som en csv-fil. Inkl. ändringar och tillägg.
Nummer Beskrivning Grundläggande Ej K2 Ändring i konteringsinstruktionen Ändring eller tillägg
1010 Utvecklingsutgifter False True False False
1011 Balanserade utgifter för forskning och utveckling False True False False
1012 Balanserade utgifter för programvaror False True False False
1018 Ackumulerade nedskrivningar på balanserade utgifter False True False False
1019 Ackumulerade avskrivningar på balanserade utgifter False True False False
1020 Koncessioner m.m. False False False False
1028 Ackumulerade nedskrivningar på koncessioner m.m. False False False False
1029 Ackumulerade avskrivningar på koncessioner m.m. False False False False
1030 Patent True False False False