One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
var mongoose = require('./db-connect'), | |
Schema = mongoose.Schema, | |
ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId, | |
uuid = require('node-uuid'), | |
Validator = require('validator').Validator, | |
val = new Validator(), | |
bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); | |
Validator.prototype.error = function(msg) { return false; }; |
public class ExodusWriter { | |
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; | |
private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate; | |
public ExodusWriter(DataSource dataSource) { | |
DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource); | |
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(transactionManager.getDataSource()); | |
transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager); | |
} |
// NOTE: I previously suggested doing this through Grunt, but had plenty of problems with | |
// my set up. Grunt did some weird things with scope, and I ended up using nodemon. This | |
// setup is now using Gulp. It works exactly how I expect it to and is WAY more concise. | |
var gulp = require('gulp'), | |
spawn = require('child_process').spawn, | |
node; | |
/** | |
* $ gulp server | |
* description: launch the server. If there's a server already running, kill it. |
Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :jessie, :parent => :systemd do | |
desc "Manages `systemd` services using `systemctl` on jessie." | |
defaultfor :osfamily => :debian, :operatingsystem => :debian, :operatingsystemmajrelease => "8" | |
def get_start_link_count | |
Dir.glob("/etc/rc*.d/S??#{@resource[:name]}").length | |
end | |
def enabled? |
$ pg_dump -h <public dns> -U <my username> -f <name of dump file .sql> <name of my database>
$ psql -U <postgresql username> -d <database name> -f <dump file that you want to restore>