- MySQL 테이블 스키마에 맞는 대량의 데이터를 보유하고 있는 CSV 파일을 MySQL에 집어넣고자 한다.
- Mac 환경에서 Docker를 기반으로 MySQL 8 이미지를 실행하고 있다.
- 로컬에서 작업하고 있는 CSV 파일을 도커 컨테이너로 옮긴다.
docker ps -a
명령어를 통해 현재 도커 컨테이너의 아이디를 검색한다.- 다음의
명령어를 실행하여 도커 컨테이너로 csv 파일을 복사한다.
A handful of BigQuery SQL queries that you can use to analyze your own Google Analytics for Firebase data. To find out more about how they work, check out our presentation from Cloud Next 2018 (Video link to be added soon)
Please note that these scripts have been updated to make sure of the new Firebase schema, which was rolled out to Analytics products in July of 2018.
Note that none of these scripts will work out of the box -- you'll need to update the values in brackets with the names of your actual datasets, and you'll most likely also need to replace the names of events and event properties with ones that are appropriate for your app.
The contents of this gist are licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0
This is a simple way of importing MySQL database in Docker.
In you Dockerfile you must have a shared folder. Shared folder is a directory in your host machine that is mounted to Docker instance.
Put the exported sql file in the shared folder.
Login to your Docker instance via docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID bin/bash
Login to MySQL via mysql -u USERNAME -p
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A short description of the motivation behind the creation and maintenance of the project. This should explain why the project exists.
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