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terminal + driver + window_manager

  1. alacritty + intel + i3wm: small flicker on workspace switching, can be neglected
  2. alacritty + modesetting + i3wm: horrible black tearing after workspace switching
  3. alacritty + nvidia + i3wm: screen flicker on workspace switching, screen flash to black in the middle, tuning nvidia-setting does not work
  4. urxvt/kitty + intel/modestting/nvidia + i3wm: no flicker
  5. foot/alacritty/kitty + intel/modestting/nvidia + sway: no flicker


  1. no osc notification, but bell can be used in tmux over ssh
  2. i3wm+nvidia => screen flicker on workspace change, sometimes seconds lagging over nomachine
"normal": {
"autocancel": false,
"autocancelvalue": 2,
"cancelcontextmenu": true,
"capturetype": "jpeg",
"clickedOptin": false,
"cursorimg": null,
"cursorimgscale": 1,
"dbclicktime": 600,
tkkcc / sing_box_config.json
Last active July 1, 2024 04:50
sing-box simple proxy
"inbounds": [{ "type": "http", "listen": "::", "listen_port": 1080 }]
tkkcc /
Last active January 2, 2025 11:16
i3 single-window-tiling & auto start app & adaptive scroll speed
#!/usr/bin/env python
import i3ipc
import re
import mmap
r = re.compile(r"chrom|telegram|Master PDF Editor|typora|thorium", re.I)
fd = open("/tmp/libinput_discrete_deltay_multiplier", "r+b")
m = mmap.mmap(fd.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
state = {"pre_workspace_name": ""}