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Timo Laak tlaak

  • Melbourne, VIC, Australia
  • 22:16 (UTC +11:00)
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Story points explained

This document describes what different story points mean in practice. By design, story points are not supposed to be connected to units of time (hours, days or weeks). They are meant to be relative units which give a rough understanding of the amount of work required to complete a story. Story points between different teams, departments and companies should never be compared.

Team A delivering 100 story points in a sprint might actually be much more than Team B delivering 200 story points because the teams don’t share a standardised definition what 1 story point means. By no means is this an attempt to create such a standardisation, but to give us a guideline what to follow when estimating stories.

For all stories, the pull request still needs to be reviewed, automated tests have to pass and a new version get deployed to be able to mark it as completed. This is an overhead that should be included in all estimates. Sometimes this overhead takes much more time than completing the ac

tlaak /
Last active July 29, 2020 18:35
Foobar Agency consulting challenge

Foobar Agency - Consulting Search Challenge

Challenge description

What do we know about the situation and what questions should we be asking?

Getting answers to the following questions will give us better position to negotiate about the options and support the stakeholders in decision making.

These are the key problems the team is facing.

tlaak / git-init-main.txt
Created June 17, 2020 19:40
Use main as the branch name on `git init`
# Source
mkdir -p ~/.config/git/template
echo "ref: refs/heads/main" > ~/.config/git/template/HEAD
git config --global init.templateDir "~/.config/git/template"
tlaak / bmm-megamenu.js
Last active September 24, 2016 20:05
jQuery plugin for a custom megamenu. Found from the depths of my Dropbox
* @version 0.1 Alpha
* @author Timo Laak 7/6/2013
(function($) {
* Constants for recurring use
var constants = {
tlaak / bmm-carousel.js
Last active September 24, 2016 20:05
jQuery plugin for a custom responsive image carousel. Found from the depths of my Dropbox