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James Morrin treasonx

  • San Francisco CA
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treasonx / plus-brackets-only.js
Created May 21, 2011 22:54 — forked from cowboy/plus-brackets-only.js
What results can you get just using these characters: +[]
// What results can you get just using these characters: +[]
// I know this has been done before, but I don't have the link,
// and I don't want it (not yet, at least)
// basic numbers
0: +[]
1: ++[+[]][+[]]
2: ++[++[+[]][+[]]][+[]]
3: ++[++[++[+[]][+[]]][+[]]][+[]]
4: ++[++[++[++[+[]][+[]]][+[]]][+[]]][+[]]
treasonx / gist:1523989
Created December 27, 2011 15:23
Control Spotify From CommandLine
osascript -e 'tell application "spotify" to next track'
osascript -e 'tell application "spotify" to playpause'
treasonx /
Created March 31, 2012 11:58 — forked from erikh/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
treasonx / localStoreBug.html
Created April 17, 2012 19:06
Firefox localStorage Issues
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
treasonx / gist:3293539
Created August 8, 2012 08:45
Setting Data Attributes
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = ""; // use this for linked script
//The following will not properly set the required data attributes properly
script.attributes['data-domain'] = 'SW-XXXXXX-X';
script.attributes['data-theme'] = 'red';
script.attributes['data-serverbase']= '';
treasonx / gist:3813041
Created October 1, 2012 17:07
Insert CSS
loadCss: function( cssString, $head) {
var $css = $('<style type="text/css">'+cssString+'<style>');
$head = $head || $('head');
return $css;
treasonx / aspects.js
Created January 2, 2013 23:33
Meld Aspects
var when = require('when');
var meld = require('meld');
var winston = require('winston');
var config = require('./config');
var dbAspects = {
introDeferred: function(obj,name) {
meld.around(obj, name, function(joinpoint) {
var def = when.defer();
var promise = def.promise;
treasonx / build.js
Created April 23, 2013 14:24
Namespaced AMD
This is the build config for my main JS file.
baseUrl: "src/",
//wrap will wrap the entire script in an IIFE which will create private define/require functions
wrap: true,
out: 'dist/spxmain.js',
modules: [{
name: 'requireLib',
//Gets a jquery object containing all of the elements on the page that have a css class of "show-example1"
var showDescriptionInput = $('.show-example1');
//when someone clicks on an element with the id of "name" or "phone" run this function. I think "click.toggle"
//is a mistake it should be just click
$("#name, #phone").bind('click.toggle', function(e) {
//dont do the default HTML thing. SO if this is a link dont make the browser load the new page.
treasonx / gist:6166904
Created August 6, 2013 17:59
Seems like it would be great to refactor into a wire spec?
define(function () {
'use strict';
var LocationManager = require('modules/spxcontroller/LocationManager');
var WindowManager = require('modules/spxcontroller/WindowManager');
var SlinkAnchorService = require('modules/spxcontroller/SlinkAnchorService');
var PresentationService = require('modules/spxcontroller/PresentationService');
var g = require('utils/globalObject');
var utils = require('utils/utils');