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treed / app.psgi
Created May 15, 2011 10:12 — forked from tene/.gitignore
basic psgi worker running on nginx
use strict;
use warnings;
use Dancer;
get '/' => sub {
return "Hi!";
get '/bye' => sub {
grammar Assembly {
rule TOP { ^ <statement>+ $ }
rule statement {
<operator> <operand> $$
rule operator {
| lda
| ldx
| ldy
require 'gtk2'
dialog ="Open File",
[Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CANCEL],
[Gtk::Stock::OPEN, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT])
dialog.select_multiple = true
def handle_random(self, target, args):
index = -1
total_weight = 0
current_time = time.time()
for ttime in self.times:
total_weight += math.log(current_time - ttime)
r = self.rnd.random() * total_weight
for n in range(len(self.quotes)):
if index == -1:
weight = math.log(current_time - self.times[n])
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $text = $ARGV[0];
my @colors = (21,23..51,63..87,99..231,246..253);
my $colors = @colors;
my $color = $colors[int(md5_hex($text)) % $colors];
print "[38;5;" . $color . "m$text\n" . "";
.sub '' :load :init :anon
# Well need this later:
.local pmc nil
nil = get_hll_global 'nil'
# First, we'll make the parrot classes.
.local pmc obj_pclass, cls_pclass, mdl_pclass
obj_pclass = newclass 'Object'
Method 'initialize' not found for invocant of class ''
current instr.: 'cardinal;Class;new' pc 2010 (src/classes/Class.pir:119)
called from Sub '!new' pc 1413 (src/builtins/classes.pir:116)
called from Sub 'setup' pc 2503 (src/classes/NilClass.pir:57)
called from Sub 'cardinal;cardinal;Compiler;main' pc 83720 (src/gen_actions.pir:6477)
[22:48] [inara:/Users/treed/code/cardinal]% ./cardinal t/08-class.t
Method 'iterator' not found for invocant of class 'String'
current instr.: 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir_children' pc 9663 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:70)
called from Sub 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir_children' pc 9663 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:70)
... call repeated 4 times
called from Sub 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir' pc 9945 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:212)
called from Sub 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir_children' pc 9663 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:70)
... call repeated 2 times
called from Sub 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir' pc 9945 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:212)
called from Sub 'parrot;POST;Compiler;pir_children' pc 9663 (src/POST/Compiler.pir:70)
# The usual class setup stuff is combined with that of Object and Module.
# Look in src/builtins/classes.pir
.namespace ['Class';'meta']
.sub 'new' :method
.param pmc superclass :optional
.param int super_flag :opt_flag
if super_flag goto have_super
.namespace ['CardinalException']
.sub 'onload' :anon :init :load
.local pmc excproto, core_type, hll_type, interp
excproto = newclass 'CardinalException'
$P0 = get_class 'CardinalObject'
addparent excproto, $P0
$P0 = get_class ['parrot';'Exception']