Using this as a BetterTouchTool script widget:
- launch path:
- parameters:
- script: paste contents
/// Turn Do Not Disturb on or off | |
/// Only handles on and off, no schedules | |
/// @param enabled true on, false off | |
- (void)setDND:(BOOL)enabled { | |
NSLog(@"Turning Do Not Disturb %@", (enabled ? @"on" : @"off")); | |
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) { | |
NSUserDefaults * defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@""]; | |
NSData * subPlistData = [defaults objectForKey:@"dnd_prefs"]; | |
NSMutableDictionary * propertyListDict = [[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:subPlistData options:0 format:nil error:nil] mutableCopy]; |
// Bookmarklet for []( (requires version 1.6+) | |
// Removes Google Analytics strings | |
// Removes Product Hunt query string | |
// Prefers canonical url if defined | |
// Uses selected text for description, falling back to meta description | |
// Removes pipes (|) from title | |
// To allow use on any website in Firefox, go to about:config and set security.external_protocol_requires_permission to false | |
// Copy this to your URL bar: | |
javascript:!function(){function e(e){var n="pins://launch?screen=newPost&",i=o();""===i&&(i=r()),n+="url="+encodeURIComponent(e),n+="&",n+="title="+encodeURIComponent(t()),n+="&",n+="description="+encodeURIComponent(i),document.location.href=n}function t(){var e=document.title;return e.replace(/\|/g,"-")}function n(){for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName("link"),t=0;t<e.length;t++)if(e[t].attributes.hasOwnProperty("rel")&&"canonical"===e[t].attributes.rel.textContent.toLowerCase())return e[t].attributes.href.textContent;var n,o=document.location.href.split(/[?&]([^&]+)/ |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# frozen_string_literal: true | |
# Memory and CPU stats formatted to use in a BetterTouchTool touch bar script widget | |
# Also works in menu bar (Other Triggers), but be sure to select "Use mono space font" | |
require 'optparse' | |
# Settings | |
settings = { | |
chart_width: 8, # character width of chart, > 2 | |
# Colors for level indicator, can be hex or rgb(a) |
Using this as a BetterTouchTool script widget:
function findgist --description 'select gist from list and display contents' | |
# requires fzf (brew install fzf) and gist (brew install gist) | |
gist -r (gist -l | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | fzf --layout="reverse" -q "$argv" | awk '{ print $1 }') | |
end |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# frozen_string_literal: true | |
# Settings | |
chart_width = 8 # character width of chart, > 2 | |
# Colors for level indicator, can be hex or rgb(a) | |
# max is cutoff percentage for indicator level | |
colors = [ | |
{ |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# frozen_string_literal: true | |
chart_width = 20 | |
cores = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`.to_i | |
loads = `sysctl -n vm.loadavg`.split(/ /)[1..3] | |
unit = (chart_width.to_f / 100) | |
chart =, '░') |
if ((/^localhost/).test( { | |
var linkChecker = (function() { | |
"use strict"; | |
let links, errors = [], completed = [], errorCounter = 0; | |
function addStyle(styleString) { | |
const style = document.createElement("style"); | |
style.textContent = styleString; | |
document.head.append(style); | |
} |
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later | |
use scripting additions | |
set tabsToClose to {} | |
tell application "Safari" | |
-- cycle through all open windows | |
repeat with _window in windows | |
-- cycle through all tabs of given window | |
repeat with _tab in tabs of _window |
#!/bin/bash | |
# get any app's full-size icon, PNG version | |
function geticonpng() { | |
# Autocompletes app names with modified .app_completions scripts | |
APP=`echo $1|sed -e 's/\.app$//'` | |
APPDIR='' | |
for dir in "/Applications/" "/Applications/Setapp/" "/Applications/Utilities/" "/Users/ttscoff/Applications/" "/Developer/Applications/" "/Developer/Applications/Utilties/" "/System/Applications/"; do | |
if [[ -d "${dir}$" ]]; then | |
APPDIR="$dir" |