MongoDB Exercise in mongo shell
Connect to a running mongo instance, use a database named mongo_practice
Document all your queries in a javascript file to use as a reference.
This document contains all the web links for the book | |
Effective MySQL: Backup and Recovery by Ronald Bradford | | | |
Introduction | |
------------ | | | | |
$ docker network create blue | |
368305ab14a4b276905948806bc31f72df9e28bea6798336abe272f8fd1c0811 | |
$ docker network create green | |
8b74c5d61262bc22bbcb8a045caba38e05b46116706ea26719e8be1061083336 | |
$ docker run -d --name sky --net blue --net-alias things redis | |
d7c7b09fafe0823d2f428bce882b850e45fb5ea23b569e65b9d7ea7cb3c4b17f | |
$ docker run -d --name navy --net blue --net-alias things redis | |
eeb78a572ca66f208443fb19a2cc1d44a4c761da10727f322942860de87fa713 |
$ cat vault.hcl | |
backend "consul" { | |
address = "consul:8500" | |
advertise_addr = "consul:8300" | |
scheme = "http" | |
} | |
listener "tcp" { | |
address = "" | |
tls_disable = 1 | |
} |
$ docker run -d --name redis-server redis | |
e1da6218780ad8243dfcaf83bd2f712ae981089510a1ba4b67f689f11db54f4a | |
$ docker logs --tail 10 redis-server | |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-' | |
`-._ `-.__.-' _.-' | |
`-._ _.-' | |
`-.__.-' | |
1:M 22 Aug 15:02:57.686 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. |
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox node1 | |
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox node2 | |
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr | |
Swarm initialized: current node (3e9deoyqmm4q95xmxegtlusi0) is now a manager. | |
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command: | |
docker swarm join \ | |
--token SWMTKN-1-05ii9ckfw8evswg3spzgtef8pvy9l2e1izzp16k0gxtwchr96u-b7q7ksfqdum2jrybdsb9qobrx \ |
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox swarm-1 | |
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox swarm-2 | |
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox swarm-3 | |
$ docker-machine ls | |
swarm-1 - virtualbox Running tcp:// v1.12.1 | |
swarm-2 * virtualbox Running tcp:// v1.12.1 |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# Dear Oracle: I know you employ more lawyers than engineers, but FFS please just make it possible to download that package with a simple curl or wget. | |
# Oh, and the fact that the certificate is invalid means that if this did come to a lawsuit, people would just claim that a MITM attack forged their agreement to the licence. | |
wget -q --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header \ | |
"Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" \ | |
"" | |
sudo yum localinstall -y jdk-8u102-linux-x64.rpm |
When using --filters option always check which ones are supported e.g. 'aws ec2 describe-vpcs help' (dhcp-options-id, isDefault, state, vpc-id).
Otherwise use tag-key and tag-value for key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource:
$ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile xxx-sandbox --filters Name=tag-key,Values=Name Name=tag-value,Values=myVPC
"Vpcs": [
"VpcId": "vpc-55de7c32",
List AWS regions and parsing using jq: