I hereby claim:
- I am tuxzz on github.
- I am tuxzz (https://keybase.io/tuxzz) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3E83 BB53 63B5 6953 F99A E9CC B356 A749 D378 14DD
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name NoEnoughMoney,51zhy | |
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ | |
// @version 0.1 | |
// @description try to take over the world! | |
// @author You | |
// @match yd.51zhy.cn/* | |
// @grant none | |
// ==/UserScript== |
import sys, time, subprocess | |
loop_interval = 0.5 | |
control_point_list = ((54, 0), (55, 40), (60, 75), (65, 100)) | |
max_temp_history_length = 20 | |
get_temp_cmd = ["nvidia-settings", "-q=[gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp", "-t"] | |
get_control_cmd = ["nvidia-settings", "-q=[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState", "-t"] | |
get_fan_cmd = ["nvidia-settings", "-q=[fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed", "-t"] |
# PMX 2.0 file format # | |
This is a description of the PMX file format. This is used for 3D models in Miku Miku Dance (MMD). | |
Since I couldn't find any English descriptions of the PMX file format, I've made this, which is translated from http://gulshan-i-raz.geo.jp/labs/2012/10/17/pmx-format1/. I haven't used this file format yet, so please don't ask me what everything means. | |
An English guide to the PMD file format, which preceeded PMX, can be found here: http://mikumikudance.wikia.com/wiki/MMD:Polygon_Model_Data. | |
If you want to learn more, there are some open source projects on GitHub which can read this format, so go take a look at them. | |
Note: fields with type text begins with an int (32 bit) with how many bytes of text the section is. |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
function levinson(R,L) | |
a = zeros(L,L) | |
P = zeros(1,L) | |
# for m = 1 | |
a[1,1] = -R[2]/R[1] | |
P[1] = R[1]*(1-a[1,1]^2) | |
# for m = 2,3,4,..L | |
for m = 2:L |
function arcov(x,L) | |
N = length(x) | |
phi = zeros(L+1,L+1) | |
for k = 0:L, i=0:L, n=L:N-1 | |
phi[k+1,i+1] += x[n+1-k]*x[n+1-i] | |
end | |
phi = phi./(N-L) | |
a = phi[2:end,2:end]\-phi[2:end,1] | |
P = phi[1,1] + phi[1,2:end]*a |
function armcov(x,L) | |
N = length(x) | |
phi = zeros(L+1,L+1) | |
for k = 0:L, i=0:L, n=0:N-L-1 | |
phi[k+1,i+1] += x[n+1+k]*x[n+1+i] + x[n+1+L-k]*x[n+1+L-i] | |
end | |
phi = phi./(2*(N-L)) | |
a = phi[2:end,2:end]\-phi[2:end,1] | |
P = phi[1,1] + phi[1,2:end]*a |
function arburg(x,p) | |
N = length(x) | |
P = zeros(1,p+1) | |
f = zeros(p+1,N) | |
b = zeros(p+1,N) | |
a = zeros(p,p) | |
# Initialisation | |
f[1,:] = x |
Function main(arg) | |
{ | |
/* 解析参数 */ | |
RUCE_UnitParam para = RUCE_ParsePara(arg); | |
/* 从输入文件名提出音名 例如a.wav变成a */ | |
String inputPath = para.input; | |
String outputPath = para.output; | |
String inputFileName = BaseFromFilePath(inputPath); | |
String inputDirName = DirFromFilePath(inputPath); |