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Travis Wolfe twolfe18

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twolfe18 /
Created October 21, 2011 03:43
scrape's lovely library (use responsibly)
from optparse import OptionParser
import urllib, time, sys, os.path
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-n', '--howmany', help='how many gifs to download')
parser.add_option('-d', '--delay', help='delay in ms between reqs (default=2000)')
opts,args = parser.parse_args()
howmany = int(opts.howmany) if opts.howmany is not None else 5
delay = int(opts.delay) if opts.delay is not None else 2000
twolfe18 /
Created January 3, 2012 16:43
get the dimensions of a video screen given its diagonal length
import sys, math
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'provide a diagonal length'
diag = float(sys.argv[1])
# x*x + y*y = diag^2
# x*ar = y
twolfe18 /
Created January 23, 2012 02:32
command line tool to get URLs for a google search
import sys, httplib, re
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'provide a query'
c = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
c.request('GET', '/search?q=%s' % ('_'.join(sys.argv[1:])))
r = c.getresponse()
twolfe18 / sort-compression.txt
Created March 14, 2013 16:08
a hack i've been considering for compressing log files: sort them first.
time gzip -c <orig >orig.gz
real 0m0.311s
user 0m0.289s
sys 0m0.005s
time bzip2 -c <orig >orig.bz2
real 0m3.358s
user 0m2.981s
sys 0m0.367s
twolfe18 / gist:5767545
Created June 12, 2013 17:49
private[this] vs private in scala
// Foo.scala
class Foo {
private var i = 0
private[this] var j = 0
def getJ = j
def iThing = i * i
def jThing = j * j
twolfe18 / BetterLogging.scala
Last active December 22, 2015 11:18
a simple logging scheme in scala (that i can understand). i know there are a million logging frameworks, most of which probably have more features than this. but the way i see it, the time that it takes to learn one of those is about the same as the time it takes to write this one. the nice benefit of doing it this way is that i can always just …
// NOTE: I actually made a mistake in this implementation
// Logging needs to have a redirect with type Logging, not Logger
// this is so that if a->b and b gets redirected, things logged via a.log()
// actually get forwarded along (regardless of what came first: redirecting
// b somewhere else or the call to a.log()).
// the only thing to worry about is loops, but i'm willing to take that risk for now.
// i have an implementation of this in Parma called Logging2
import util.Random
twolfe18 / gist:7207779
Last active December 26, 2015 20:19
optimization package interfaces
trait Func0[V, P] {
def value(p: P): V
def dimension: Int
trait Func1[V, G, P] extends Func0[V, P] {
def grad(p: P): G = compute(p)._2
def compute(p: P): (V, G)
twolfe18 / playing_with_features.scala
Last active December 30, 2015 20:59
how to write neat feature functions in scala
object IDontCare {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def conjoin[I,P,O](f1: I => P, f2: I => P, compose: (P, P) => O): I => O = {
twolfe18 / gist:24d3ffcb332a9021460d
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
One more reason I hate Java serialization...
package sanbox;
public class SerializationBugMWE {
twolfe18 /
Last active January 9, 2025 18:37
Does SoA (structure of arrays) beat AoS (array of structures) for Java?
package sandbox;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class SoABenchmark {
public static Random rand = new Random(9001);
public static int NUM_LABELS = 10;
public static Struct[] aos;