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Tyler Smith tyler-smith

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- singleton
- core network daemon
- Interacts with the IPFS network. Sends and receives messages and resolves IPFS and IPNS data
- wallet
- Interacts with the cryptocurrency in use, e.g. SPV Bitcoin wallet, RPC Bitcoin wallet, RPC, ZCash wallet
Title: 3rd Party Search Standardized Contract Type Filter
Author: Tyler Smith 
Discussions-To: Github Issues or #3rd-party-search on Slack
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 05/12/2018
Copyright: MIT
Title: 3rd Party Search API Inventory Data
Author: Tyler Smith 
Discussions-To: Github Issues or #3rd-party-search on Slack
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 05/12/2018
Copyright: MIT
Title: 3rd Party Search Crypto-listings Enhancemnts
Author: Tyler Smith 
Discussions-To: Github Issues or #3rd-party-search on Slack
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 05/12/2018
Copyright: MIT
tyler-smith /
Last active May 6, 2018 19:45
Running OpenBazaar gateway server with openbazaar-go


  • Install Go if not already installed

  • go get -u

  • Go to project directory, cd $GOPATH/

Test locally

  • Start server go run openbazaard.go start --disablewallet --disableexchangerates
~/dev/go/src/> go run openbazaard.go start --bitcoincash
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OpenBazaar Server v0.11.1
[Press Ctrl+C to exit]
Title: 3rd Party Peer Endorsements
Author: Tyler Smith 
Discussions-To: Github Issues
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 02/28/2018
Copyright: MIT
Replaces: 8
tyler-smith /
Last active January 5, 2018 20:19
OpenBazaar Reference Implementation Third Party Content Provider Policy

OpenBazaar Reference Implementation Third Party Content Provider Policy


While the OpenBazaar protocol is completely open and extendable, part of the role of the OpenBazaar team is facilitating a good user experice. To that end, certain guidelines must be enforced upon third parties that provide content to OpenBazaar users and their integrations within the main reference implementation.

The OpenBazaar developers always have the final say on which providers have built-in implementations in the reference client. This policy intends to outline what is required of a Content Provider to meet the standards of a default integration.

Violations of the following requirements will result in action from the OpenBazaar team. The OpenBazaar team shall work with a Provider to fix any violations and work with them on a timetable for doing so.

tyler-smith /
Created November 27, 2017 06:47
OpenBazaar network infrastructure

OpenBazaar network infrastructure


OpenBazaar trade is completely peer-to-peer, but there are some pieces of infrastructure the network uses to acheive its goals.

Bootstrap nodes

Like other P2P networks, OpenBazaar nodes need a way to find other peers on the network. It's possible for any node to service this purpose but because they must known before you can connect to the network we have a default set of seeds that are currently operated by OB1 and DuoSearch. These nodes simply keep a large pool of known peers and relays them to any requesters.

tyler-smith /
Last active January 22, 2018 18:11
OB 2.0 hosted server

AWS instructions under development. Use at your own risk. Try DigitalOcean instead of you can.

Set up on AWS EC2. Follow the instructions after creating your instance.

  1. Create new EC2 instance with the Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type AMI.

  2. Choose size. At least t2.micro

  3. Click Review&Launch, then Launch