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Ty Smith tyvsmith

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tyvsmith / AndroidManifest.xml
Created May 24, 2011 22:58
RESTclient-Android Blog entries
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".ui.Main" android:label="@string/app_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<receiver android:name=".receiver.BootReceiver">
tyvsmith / Setting.rb
Created June 5, 2011 20:42
Dynamic changes to schedule.rb for Whenever gem
class Setting < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :var
validates_presence_of :value
after_save :send_cron_later
def self.for(var)
tyvsmith / test
Created April 11, 2012 01:16
tyvsmith / AsyncBusinesNoteStoreClient notebook
Last active December 14, 2015 18:39
Listing notebooks using the AsynNoteStoreClient
//Creating the business note store makes network requests
//to validate the auth token for the business
new OnClientCallback<AsyncBusinessNoteStoreClient>() {
public void onSuccess(final AsyncBusinessNoteStoreClient client) {
//This is running in the UI Thread
client.listNotebooks(new OnClientCallback<List<Notebook>() {
tyvsmith /
Created July 22, 2013 18:45
"`classes.dex` method count helpers. Requires smali/baksmali from and dexdump from the build-tools in the Android SDK be on your PATH." Use this to keep track of methods and fields in your apk. They are both limited to 65536. Example use: $ source; $ dex-field-count classes.dex; Original method scrip…
function dex-method-count() {
cat $1 | head -c 92 | tail -c 4 | hexdump -e '1/4 "%d\n"'
function dex-method-count-by-package() {
dir=$(mktemp -d -t dex)
baksmali $1 -o $dir
for pkg in `find $dir/* -type d`; do
smali $pkg -o $pkg/classes.dex
count=$(dex-method-count $pkg/classes.dex)
tyvsmith /
Last active January 20, 2025 11:57
If you have multiple Android apps that need to report to the same Crashlytics app endpoint. This allows overriding the package name that Crashlytics discovers and reports.
public class MyApp extends Application {
private final String PACKAGE="";
public void onCreate() {
Crashlytics.start(new CrashContextWrapper(this, PACKAGE));
tyvsmith / CrashReporting
Created August 13, 2013 01:10
Report Custom events to Crashlytics without actually killing the process.
public class CrashReporting {
public static class GenericReportingException extends Exception {
public GenericReportingException(){}
public GenericReportingException(String str){
tyvsmith / EvernoteIntentActions
Last active January 9, 2017 11:48
Some helpful intents for interacting with the Evernote Android app.
public static final String SEARCH_NOTES = "com.evernote.action.SEARCH_NOTES";
public static final String VIEW_NOTE_LIST = "com.evernote.action.VIEW_NOTELIST";
public static final String NOTE_PICKER = "com.evernote.action.NOTE_PICKER";
public static final String VIEW_NOTE = "com.evernote.action.VIEW_NOTE";
public static final String NEW_NOTE = "com.evernote.action.CREATE_NEW_NOTE";
public static final String EDIT_NOTE = "com.evernote.action.EDIT_NOTE";
public static final String UPDATE_NOTE = "com.evernote.action.UPDATE_NOTE";
public static final String DELETE_NOTE = "com.evernote.action.DELETE_NOTE";
tyvsmith /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Android ListAdapter using custom ViewGroup over ViewHolder pattern
public class App {
public String id;
public String name;
public String icon_url;
public String toString() {
return name;
tyvsmith /
Created December 17, 2014 18:55

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  • I am tyvsmith on github.
  • I am tsmith ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 6844 9AB2 4FC5 ECE7 78B7 31F9 AF0C C86E D089 D7EB

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