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MonsterTechStudio ultimatevegance

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ultimatevegance /
Created March 25, 2020 09:50

Objective-C Cheat Sheet

This is not meant to be a beginner's guide or a detailed discussion about Objective-C; it is meant to be a quick reference to common, high level topics.

  • Read my Swift cheatsheet as well (Swift will replace Objective-C for iOS apps).
  • Support this project via Gratipay
  • To download a PDF version of this, use

Note: I wrote this over a stretch of 3 days, so it could probably use some editing and clarifications where necessary. Please feel free to edit this document to update or improve upon it, making sure to keep with the general formatting of the document. The list of contributors can be found here.

ultimatevegance /
Created March 25, 2020 09:50

Objective-C Cheat Sheet

This is not meant to be a beginner's guide or a detailed discussion about Objective-C; it is meant to be a quick reference to common, high level topics.

  • Read my Swift cheatsheet as well (Swift will replace Objective-C for iOS apps).
  • Support this project via Gratipay
  • To download a PDF version of this, use

Note: I wrote this over a stretch of 3 days, so it could probably use some editing and clarifications where necessary. Please feel free to edit this document to update or improve upon it, making sure to keep with the general formatting of the document. The list of contributors can be found here.

// Single-line comments start with // - only available in C99 and later.
Multi-line comments look like this. They work in C89 as well.
Multi-line comments don't nest /* Be careful */ // comment ends on this line...
*/ // ...not this one!
ultimatevegance / Activate Office 2019 for macOS
Created May 26, 2021 01:57 — forked from zthxxx/Activate Office 2019 for macOS
crack activate office on mac with license file

Activate MS Office 2019/2016 for macOS - Microsoft_Office_2019_VL_Serializer

Office 2019 above


Note that Office2019 DO NOT support activate via simple copy/paste plist license file which is the simplest way to activate Office 2016. Fortunately, you can also use the VL Serializer tool, just install Office 2019 and Serializer, then run Serializer to activate.


ultimatevegance /
Created June 6, 2023 16:23 — forked from dmnsgn/
A collection of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries

A non-exhaustive list of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries. It is mostly for learning purposes as some of the libraries listed are wip/outdated/not maintained anymore.

Engines and libraries

Name Stars Last Commit Description
three.js ![GitHub Rep
ultimatevegance / countries.json
Created October 24, 2023 05:56 — forked from portapipe/countries.json
Json containing countries name, codes, currency and base64 flags
"id": 1,
"name": "Afghanistan",
"isoAlpha2": "AF",
"isoAlpha3": "AFG",
"isoNumeric": 4,
"currency": {
"code": "AFN",
"name": "Afghani",
"symbol": "؋"
ultimatevegance /
Created January 10, 2024 10:11 — forked from FWEugene/
All about concurrency


Foundation offers a Thread class, internally based on pthread, that can be used to create new threads and execute closures.

// Detaches a new thread and uses the specified selector as the thread entry point.
Thread.detachNewThreadSelector(selector: Selector>, toTarget: Any, with: Any)

// Subclass
class MyThread: Thread {
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