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Upul Dissanayaka upul-d

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Exercism and IntelliJ IDEA

So, you want to use IntelliJ IDEA for your Java exercises?

Here’s my workflow. Note, using IntelliJ IDEA CE 14.

Gradle setup

  • [ ] cd to $EXERCISM_DIR/java/the-exercise
  • [ ] Run gradle idea to generate the *.iml* and =.idea files/dirs
nauzilus / stream_vs_array.js
Last active December 25, 2023 10:52
(Highland) stream vs array transformation
(function() {
var highland = require("highland")
var array = [1,2,3],
spy = (message, fn) => {
return x => {
console.log(`${message} ${x}`)
return fn(x)

"Hey Alan..."

"I already commited my Node.js project, but I forgot to add node_modules to a gitignore. How fucked am I??"

It's cool, don't panic. First make your gitignore file:

$ touch .gitignore