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Upul Bandara upul

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bogdan-kulynych /
Last active October 17, 2024 23:17
Install CUDA 10 on Ubuntu 18.04
# WARNING: These steps seem to not work anymore!
# Purge existign CUDA first
sudo apt --purge remove "cublas*" "cuda*"
sudo apt --purge remove "nvidia*"
# Install CUDA Toolkit 10
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leddoo /
Created December 29, 2022 11:03
a very simple register vm
// a very minimal instruction set.
// it has just enough operations to implement a recursive
// fibonacci function - what a coincidence :D
// NOTE: in my VM, i don't use an `enum`.
// this is just for simplicity.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum Instruction {
LoadInt { dst: u8, value: i16 },
Copy { dst: u8, src: u8 },
Add { dst: u8, src1: u8, src2: u8 },