I hereby claim:
- I am usshen on github.
- I am weshen (https://keybase.io/weshen) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDbCMw3c1LbqS1y4jLBMIsFTw6pOTiRKGqMFh0Kfv0zAgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
! Version: 201904030727 | |
! Title: EasyList | |
! Last modified: 03 Apr 2019 07:27 UTC | |
! Expires: 4 days (update frequency) | |
! Homepage: https://easylist.to/ | |
! Licence: https://easylist.to/pages/licence.html | |
! | |
! Please report any unblocked adverts or problems | |
! in the forums (https://forums.lanik.us/) | |
! or via e-mail ([email protected]). |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#! /bin/sh | |
# chkconfig: 2345 55 2 | |
# Description: Startup script for nginx webserver on Debian. Place in /etc/init.d and | |
# run 'update-rc.d -f nginx defaults', or use the appropriate command on your | |
# distro. For CentOS/Redhat run: 'chkconfig --add nginx' | |
# Provides: nginx | |
# Required-Start: $all | |
# Required-Stop: $all |
import xmlrpc.client | |
import sys | |
aria2URL = sys.argv[1] | |
aria2RPC = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://localhost:6800/rpc") | |
aria2Result = aria2RPC.aria2.addUri("token:rpcscrete",[aria2URL]) |
import xmlrpclib | |
import sys | |
aria2URL = sys.argv[1] | |
aria2RPC = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:6800/rpc") | |
aria2Result = aria2RPC.aria2.addUri("token:rpcscrete",[aria2URL]) |
:start | |
set /p afile=Please input m3u8: | |
set downloadfilepath=%afile:\=/% | |
set m3u8path=file:///%downloadfilepath% | |
::echo "%m3u8path%" | |
streamlink --http-header referer=https://avgle.com/ "%m3u8path%" best -o %HOMEPATH%\Videos\avgle.ts | |
pause | |
goto start |
[Unit] | |
Description=trojan | |
Documentation=man:trojan(1) https://trojan-gfw.github.io/trojan/config https://trojan-gfw.github.io/trojan/ | |
After=network.target network-online.target nss-lookup.target mysql.service mariadb.service mysqld.service | |
[Service] | |
Type=simple | |
StandardError=journal | |
User=root | |
AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE |
Accessing a subnet that is behind a WireGuard client using a site-to-site setup
We want to access a local subnet remotely, but it is behind a NAT firewall and we can't setup port forwarding. Outgoing connections work, but all incoming connections get DROPPED by the ISP's routing policy.