Minimal example: transcode from MP3 to WMA:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wma
You can get the list of supported formats with:
ffmpeg -formats
You can get the list of installed codecs with:
[Unit] | |
Description=Demonstrate Bash | |
[Service] | |
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/systemctl set-environment MYVAR=$(( 2 + 2 ))" | |
ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo "2 + 2 = ${MYVAR}" |
#!/bin/bash | |
bootstrapper_dialog() { | |
DIALOG_RESULT=$(dialog --clear --stdout --backtitle "Arch bootstrapper" --no-shadow "$@" 2>/dev/null) | |
} | |
################# | |
#### Welcome #### | |
################# | |
bootstrapper_dialog --title "Welcome" --msgbox "Welcome to Kenny's Arch Linux bootstrapper.\n" 6 60 |
#!/bin/sh | |
### Desktop & Screen Saver | |
# Desktopを黒に | |
echo "Change Desctop Pictures" | |
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to POSIX file "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Solid Colors/Black.png"' | |
# ScreenSaver Kill | |
echo "Disable screensaver" |
EthMan uses raw TCP/IP connections (not HTTP) for remote management and statistics. Optionally, "psw" field is added to requests is the password for remote management is set for miner. | |
The following commands are available (JSON format): | |
---------------- | |
{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"miner_getstat1"} | |
{"result": ["9.3 - ETH", "21", "182724;51;0", "30502;30457;30297;30481;30479;30505", "0;0;0", "off;off;off;off;off;off", "53;71;57;67;61;72;55;70;59;71;61;70", "", "0;0;0;0"]} |
Last updated March 13, 2024
This Gist explains how to sign commits using gpg in a step-by-step fashion. Previously, was heavily mentioned, but I've only recently learned they were acquired by Akamai and no longer update their previous free products. Those mentions have been removed.
Additionally, 1Password now supports signing Git commits with SSH keys and makes it pretty easy-plus you can easily configure Git Tower to use it for both signing and ssh.
For using a GUI-based GIT tool such as Tower or Github Desktop, follow the steps here for signing your commits with GPG.
EthMan uses raw TCP/IP connections (not HTTP) for remote management and statistics. Optionally, "psw" field is added to requests is the password for remote management is set for miner. The following commands are available (JSON format):
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
// The SwiftUI Lab: Advanced SwiftUI Animations | |
// (Animating Paths) | |
// (GeometryEffect) | |
// (AnimatableModifier) | |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
import SwiftUI | |
struct ContentView: View { | |
This library is now deprecated in favour of a more complete and SwiftUI friendly TextEditor
See it in action here:
import Photos | |
struct UnexpectedNilError: Error {} | |
extension PHImageManager { | |
func requestImage( | |
for asset: PHAsset, | |
targetSize: CGSize, | |
contentMode: PHImageContentMode, | |
options: PHImageRequestOptions? |