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Curl on Windows
Installing Curl on Windows is easy as Curl is bundled with msysgit! But before it can be used with Vundle it's required make curl run in command prompt. The easiest way is to create curl.cmd with this content
@rem Do not use "echo off" to not affect any child calls.
@rem Get the abolute path to the parent directory, which is assumed to be the
@rem Git installation root.
varvaruc / icon.png
Last active December 27, 2015 22:49
hello world chrome extension
The trick seems to be setting a proper vimruntime dir while invoking make, and having below ones
in list of switches for configure script.
Here's my test build script which seems to be giving the required result.
mkdir /tmp/vimbuild; cd /tmp/vimbuild
In order to use WGET through a proxy server, the environment variable HTTP_PROXY needs to be set.
export http_proxy=
Then, run wget with the --proxy option.
Wget --proxy http://site_to_Retrieve
MRL redmine
Laborator 1
User documentation
07 Oct 2013
Prezentarea sistemului de operare Linux. Instalare.
Familiarizarea cu aplicatia VirtualBox.
Instalare Linux in mod grafic si in mod text.
Howto Setup yum repositories to update or install package from ISO CDROM Image
by nixCraft on April 30, 2007 · 48 comments· LAST UPDATED December 18, 2007
in Howto, Linux, Linux distribution
yum (Yellow dog Updater Modified) is a package manager for RPM compatible Linux systems such as CentOS, Fedora core and latest Redhat Enterprise Linux.
So how do you use yum to update / install packages from an ISO of CentOS / FC / RHEL CD?
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum provides Adobe*
Yum Tricks and Tips
Note: These tricks are only available on SLF5 and newer releases. They require yum 3.2.22 or newer.
yum provides (feature)
Is used to find out what package provides some feature.
Example: yum provides zip
yum provides "*/(file)"
Is used to find out what package provides a certain file. This is especially useful when you are compiling some code and get an error like "error: not found, exiting."
Example: yum provides "*/"
How To Install And Run A Node.js App On Centos 6.4 64bit
1 Write an Article
This article outlines the steps necessary to run a "Hello world" in node.js + express, running on a 64bit Centos 6.4 installation. We will be building the latest version of source (at this moment, v0.10.4) from the upstream provider.
As is written on their homepage, Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. This is a fast, event driven platform and server-side Javascript engine used for building web applications. DigitalOceans' droplets are a cost-effective way to install and start studying server-side Javascript and bulding or deploying web applications with Node.js.
Setup a VPS