title | date | template | author | draft |
Eclipse Vert.x 4 milestone 1 released! |
2019-07-26 |
post.html |
vietj |
false |
We are extremely pleased to announce the first 4.0 milestone release of Eclipse Vert.x .
@Test | |
public void testCloseHandlerWhenConnectionEnds() throws Exception { | |
server.requestHandler(req -> { | |
req.response().closeHandler(v -> { | |
testComplete(); | |
}); | |
req.response().setChunked(true).write("some-data"); | |
}); | |
startServer(testAddress); | |
client.request(HttpMethod.GET, testAddress, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST, "/somepath", resp -> { |
title | date | template | author | draft |
Eclipse Vert.x 4 milestone 1 released! |
2019-07-26 |
post.html |
vietj |
false |
We are extremely pleased to announce the first 4.0 milestone release of Eclipse Vert.x .
Tests run: 5, Failures: 5, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.149 sec <<< FAILURE! - in io.vertx.pgclient.data.TsTypesExtendedCodecTest | |
test_tsquery_and_tsvector(io.vertx.pgclient.data.TsTypesExtendedCodecTest) Time elapsed: 0.017 sec <<< FAILURE! | |
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected that public abstract java.lang.Boolean io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple.getBoolean(int) would not fail: expected:<true> but was:<false> | |
at io.vertx.pgclient.data.ColumnChecker.lambda$returns$0(ColumnChecker.java:180) | |
at io.vertx.pgclient.data.ColumnChecker.forRow(ColumnChecker.java:284) | |
at io.vertx.pgclient.data.TsTypesExtendedCodecTest.lambda$null$0(TsTypesExtendedCodecTest.java:27) | |
test_tsquery_array(io.vertx.pgclient.data.TsTypesExtendedCodecTest) Time elapsed: 0.032 sec <<< FAILURE! | |
org.junit.internal.ArrayComparisonFailure: Expected that public abstract java.lang.String[] io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple.getStringArray(int) returns ['fat':AB & 'cat', 'super':*] instead of ['fat':AB & 'cats', 'super':*]: arrays first di |
package io.vertx.mysqlclient; | |
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Row; | |
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple; | |
import java.util.function.BiConsumer; | |
import java.util.function.Function; | |
public class Main { |
private static int branchless1(byte c) { | |
// 48 == 11 0000 | |
// 49 == 11 0001 | |
// 50 == 11 0010 | |
// 57 == 11 1001 | |
byte b1 = (byte) ((c & 0b0001_0000) >> 4); | |
byte b2 = (byte) ((c & 0b0010_0000) >> 5); | |
byte b3 = (byte) ((c & 0b0100_0000) >> 6); | |
byte b4 = (byte) ((c & 0b1000_0000) >> 7); | |
byte b5 = (byte) (b1 & b2 & ~b3 & ~b4); |
private static int indexOf(byte c) { | |
if (c == '-') { | |
return 26; | |
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { | |
return c; | |
} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { | |
return c - 'A'; | |
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { | |
return c - 'a'; | |
} else { |
public Scope receiveRequest(Map<Object, Object> context, Object request, String operation, Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> headers, Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> tags) { | |
SpanContext sc = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.HTTP_HEADERS, new TextMap() { | |
@Override | |
public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iterator() { | |
return headers.iterator(); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void put(String key, String value) { | |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); | |
} |
There are several objects in Vert.x that allow items to be read from and written.
In previous versions the io.vertx.core.streams
package was manipulating Buffer
objects exclusively. From now, streams are not coupled to buffers anymore and they work with any kind of objects.
In Vert.x, write calls return immediately, and writes are queued internally.
package io.vertx.tracing.jaeger; | |
import io.jaegertracing.internal.JaegerSpanContext; | |
import io.opentracing.Scope; | |
import io.opentracing.Span; | |
import io.opentracing.SpanContext; | |
import io.opentracing.Tracer; | |
import io.opentracing.propagation.Format; | |
import io.opentracing.propagation.TextMap; | |
import io.opentracing.tag.Tags; |