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Michael Villander villander

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  • I am villander on github.
  • I am villander ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBZaWv6xAlZ_mgTH9V3jT_043RY6XrzwpIStZi9yBjoMAo

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villander / application.controller\.js
Last active June 25, 2021 15:48 — forked from cdeeter/application.controller\.js
Peek Frontend Coding Challenge
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
export default Controller.extend({
dates: ['2021-06-04'], // '2021-06-05', '2021-06-06']


Micro frontends: Break up your Monolith with Ember Engines


Everyone wants their apps to be easy to maintain and grow fast. Micro Frontends is about split your app into several smaller apps that are owned by independent teams that are focused on a distinct area of business.  In this talk, we will dig into the Ember Engines and how it provides an antidote to large monolithic applications by allowing for distributed development, testing, and packaging pieces of an application. Why we should use Engines? How do we should use Engines? Which problems do Engines propose to solve? We will also discuss the future of Ember Engines.

Teaching an IDE to understand Rust
(A concise, engaging description for the public program. Limited to 600 characters.)
IDE support is one of Rust's most requested features. From the 2017 State of Rust Survey:
roughly 30% of Rust users are looking forward to IDE support more than any other feature in 2017 and for 22% of
non-users, lack of IDE support is their main reason for not using Rust. Thankfully, the Rust Language Server is here now and it gets smarter and
more capable every day.
Teaching an IDE to understand Rust
(A concise, engaging description for the public program. Limited to 600 characters.)
IDE support is one of Rust's most requested features. From the 2017 State of Rust Survey:
roughly 30% of Rust users are looking forward to IDE support more than any other feature in 2017 and for 22% of
non-users, lack of IDE support is their main reason for not using Rust. Thankfully, the Rust Language Server is here now and it gets smarter and
more capable every day.
import AjaxService from 'ember-ajax/services/ajax';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import {
} from 'web-app/utils/normalize-errors';
import { decamelizeObject } from 'web-app/utils/object-manipulation';
villander /
Created April 4, 2019 03:36 — forked from dgeb/
Ember Engines Documentation ToDos

Ember Engines Documentation ToDos


  • Almost all docs from README should be moved to Having similar but different info in both places is confusing and unmaintainable.

  • Consider using to standardize the docs and guides and to make them version-specific.

  • Clarify the philosophy and intended uses for engines.

  • Is the "Why Use Engines?" section on sufficient?

import { assertPolymorphicType } from "../../../-debug";
import Model from '../model/model';
import Reference from './reference';
import recordDataFor from '../record-data-for';
A BelongsToReference is a low-level API that allows users and
addon author to perform meta-operations on a belongs-to
@class BelongsToReference
{{#if currentUser.isImpersonating}}
<div class="flash-message success">
You are currently impersonating {{currentUser.user.nameWithEmail}}.
<a href class="dismiss-link" {{action "stopImpersonation"}}>Click here</a> to stop impersonation.
{{#if currentUser.user}}
villander / launch.json
Created December 27, 2018 13:34 — forked from lifeart/launch.json
VS Code Ember-cli debug
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",