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vinzent / local_puppet_passenger.te
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
SELinux, Puppet (PupetLabs Open-Source) and Passenger (EPEL) on RHEL6
# Environment: RHEL6 with Passenger from EPEL and Puppet Open-source from
# Howto compile:
# yum install checkpolicy
# checkmodule -M -m -o local_puppet_passenger.mod local_puppet_passenger.te &&
# semodule_package -o local_puppet_passenger.pp -m local_puppet_passenger.mod &&
# semodule --install local_puppet_passenger.pp
module local_puppet_passenger 2.17;
vinzent / gist:f4b39419254529d75936
Created January 7, 2015 13:35
apache http https redirect vhost conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
## Vhost docroot
DocumentRoot "/opt/phacility/phabricator/webroot"
<Directory "/opt/phacility/phabricator/webroot">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
vinzent / puppet-agent-create-gem-rpm
Created June 5, 2015 07:18
Howto: easily create rpms from ruby gems for use with puppet-agent AIO
# Author: Thomas Mueller <[email protected]>
# Date: 2015-06-05
# enable to exit on first error
# set -e
# list gem's to create rpm's seperated by space
# example for 2 gems: gem_list="r10k trocla"
vinzent / puppetserver-create-gem-rpm
Created June 10, 2015 09:14
# Author: Thomas Mueller <[email protected]>
# Date: 2015-06-10
# enable to exit on first error
# set -e
# list gem's to create rpm's seperated by space
# example for 2 gems: gem_list="r10k trocla"
vinzent / test_spec.rb
Last active September 21, 2015 07:38
# all checks will "fail", but check date output
# fails with: rspec test_spec.rb </dev/null
# works with: rspec test_spec.rb
require 'serverspec'
set :backend, :exec
describe 'test' do
vinzent / nvidia_driver_install.pp
Last active January 22, 2016 09:12
Referencing hash values within module
class nvidia::driver_install (
include stdlib
$model_hash = {
009d => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_fx_4500_driver",
06dc => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_6000_driver",
06d9 => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_5000_driver",
11ba => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_K5000_driver",
17c2 => "$::nvidia::params::gtx_titanx_driver",
# create the first spacewalk account
# satwho requires it
tempfile=$(mktemp /tmp/$(basename $0).XXXXXX)
vinzent / rundeck.pp
Created June 18, 2016 13:14
Rundeck EL7 demo-install
# Simple demo-install of rundeck on EL7 (CentOS, RHEL)
# Pre-requisites:
# - Installed modules
# puppet module install puppetlabs-java
# puppet module install puppet-rundeck
# puppet module install crayfishx-firewalld
# - $::fqdn fact needs to be working
# Install: puppet apply rundeck.pp
vinzent / openvpn_allow_all_ports.te
Created June 20, 2016 08:42
openvpn allow all ports
policy_module(openvpn_allow_all_ports, 0.1.0)
attribute port_type;
type openvpn_t;
allow openvpn_t port_type:tcp_socket { name_bind };
vinzent / output
Created June 22, 2016 18:20
puppet defined test with strict_variables
$ /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet apply --strict_variables /tmp/test.pp
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, 'defined' parameter 'vals' expects a value of type String or Type, got Integer at /tmp/test.pp:4:5 on node tmueller-notebook.local