npm install grunt-contrib-less
##configure the Gruntfile.js file in your yeoman project
add to the top of the file
add the less task
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG virtualbox_4_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_4_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=ec3f640b-462f-4dd4-950b-187ee7a87526 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "ec3f640b-462f-4dd4-950b-187ee7a87526", "--machinereadable"] | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="django_guide_1332955563" | |
ostype="Ubuntu_64" | |
UUID="ec3f640b-462f-4dd4-950b-187ee7a87526" |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] INFO: Processing bash[install-pip] action run (python::pip line 33) | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] INFO: bash[install-pip] sh("bash" "/tmp/chef-script20120328-961-k5h6u-0") | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] ERROR: bash[install-pip] (python::pip line 33) has had an error | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] ERROR: Running exception handlers | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] ERROR: Exception handlers complete | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-stacktrace.out | |
[Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:50:29 -0700] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ShellCommandFailed: bash[install-pip] (python::pip line 33) had an error: Expected process to exit 0, but it exited with 127 | |
---- Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20120328-961-k5h6u-0" ---- | |
STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20120328-961-k5h6u-0: line 1: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>Github - participation graph</title> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> | |
<script> | |
var GHPG = Class.create({ | |
initialize: function(data){ |
{"id": "891a3341e5e642fd9e30f83ea0d19c3d", "checksum": "f1f79179a9e1ae6e29a0dd711a0c6098", "project": "stvdev", "logger": "sentry.interfaces", "level": "error", "culprit": "sentry.web.helpers.render_to_string", "extra": {"thread": 4481576960, "process": 47595, "threadName": "Thread-376", "module": "groups", "filename": "", "processName": "MainProcess", "pathname": "/Users/tharshan/WebRoot/sentry-on-dotcloud/sentry-on-dotcloud/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sentry/web/frontend/", "lineno": 44, "message": "Error rendering interface <class 'sentry.interfaces.Stacktrace'>", "funcName": "_get_rendered_interfaces"}, "modules": {"south": "0.7.6", "gunicorn": "0.14.6", "sentry": "5.0.15", "djcelery": "3.0.11", "social_auth": "0.7.7", "django": "1.4.1", "kombu.transport.django": "1.0.0", "django_social_auth_trello": "1.0.2", "kombu": "2.4.7", "crispy_forms": "1.2.0", "raven": "2.0.6"}, "public_key": null, "sentry.interfaces.Exception": {"type": "TypeError", "module": "exceptions", "value": "'NoneType' o |
{"id": "891a3341e5e642fd9e30f83ea0d19c3d", "checksum": "f1f79179a9e1ae6e29a0dd711a0c6098", "project": "stvdev", "logger": "sentry.interfaces", "level": "error", "culprit": "sentry.web.helpers.render_to_string", "extra": {"thread": 4481576960, "process": 47595, "threadName": "Thread-376", "module": "groups", "filename": "", "processName": "MainProcess", "pathname": "/Users/tharshan/WebRoot/sentry-on-dotcloud/sentry-on-dotcloud/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sentry/web/frontend/", "lineno": 44, "message": "Error rendering interface <class 'sentry.interfaces.Stacktrace'>", "funcName": "_get_rendered_interfaces"}, "modules": {"south": "0.7.6", "gunicorn": "0.14.6", "sentry": "5.0.15", "djcelery": "3.0.11", "social_auth": "0.7.7", "django": "1.4.1", "kombu.transport.django": "1.0.0", "django_social_auth_trello": "1.0.2", "kombu": "2.4.7", "crispy_forms": "1.2.0", "raven": "2.0.6"}, "public_key": null, "sentry.interfaces.Exception": {"type": "TypeError", "module": "exceptions", "value": "'NoneType' o |
npm install grunt-contrib-less
##configure the Gruntfile.js file in your yeoman project
add to the top of the file
add the less task
adsasdasd |
adsasdasd |
sadadasdasdasdasd |
adsasdasdasd |