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Vitorio Miliano vitorio

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Zhook: Zip + HTML + Book.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Software that displays a Zhook file is here called a Reading System (RS).
vitorio / gist:7368467
Created November 8, 2013 09:18
JSMESS audio notes
9:00 PM <•SketchCow> #define SDL_XFER_SAMPLES (512)
9:01 PM <•Vito`> right
9:02 PM <•Vito`> and now set that library_sdl.js line to allow 512
9:03 PM ⇐ BlueMaxim quit ([email protected]) Ping timeout: 265 seconds
9:03 PM <•SketchCow> if ( < 512 || > 524288 /* arbitrary cap */) {
9:03 PM <•SketchCow> So, just as trivia
9:04 PM <•SketchCow> I do see some 1024 settings in that file
9:04 PM <•SketchCow> So this might break shit
9:04 PM <•SketchCow> But I agree, set to 512
9:04 PM <•SketchCow> Make 1024 if needed
4:55 AM <Lindrian> guys
4:55 AM <Lindrian> anyone, please?
4:55 AM <Lindrian> Ive been asking for help for days >.<
5:19 AM <Lindrian> clb: do you have any idea??
5:20 AM <clb> Lindrian: sorry, no
5:20 AM <Lindrian> clb: if you happen to catch someone who does, could you ask them for me?
5:21 AM <Lindrian> you probably know more people using emscripten than i do
5:22 AM <clb> Lindrian: I've seen you asking for help for weeks now, I think you need to have the capability to research the problem field yourself and learn the required knowledge if there is nobody else that is familiar with the issue
5:23 AM <Lindrian> i have been searching extensively
5:23 AM <Lindrian> i have asked countless people
vitorio / gist:7702384
Last active December 29, 2015 17:09
Using the makefile debugger remake to figure out a JSMESS/MESS build conflict
remake[1]: *** [obj/sdl/mess/mess.o] Error 1
#0 obj/sdl/mess/mess.o at ??
#1 messtiny at /home/milianov/remess/jsmess/mess/makefile:869
#2 emulator at /home/milianov/remess/jsmess/mess/makefile:812
#3 default at /home/milianov/remess/jsmess/mess/makefile:764
***Entering debugger because we encountered a fatal error.
***Exiting the debugger will exit make with exit code 1.
vitorio /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Turn a Distance ePub file into something more web-appropriate: replace the XHTML doctype with HTML5; inline zeitgeist.css, template.css, and some CSS from to move the paragraph numbers; add IDs; protect the email address with JS; and resolve and embiggen the short URLs. Deeded to the public domain. To the extent possible …
# coding=utf-8
__author__ = 'vitorio'
import bs4
import argparse
import re
import requests
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Turn a Distance ePub file into something more web-appropriate')
parser.add_argument('epubfile', help='The Distance ePub file to read from')
vitorio / microsoft-store.lua
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12 — forked from mbmccormick/microsoft-store.lua
One-time check for Microsoft Store stock
local sku = '309986300'
local zipcode = '10001'
local response = http.request {
url = '' .. zipcode .. '&maxRadius=100'
local data = json.parse(response.content)
local sites = {}
vitorio /
Created March 30, 2015 01:17
So, let's say you have an mbox full of mail and you want to get all the To: addresses out of it. And let's say you've seen a bunch of intimidating complicated examples like or…
# via
import mailbox
import email
mbox = mailbox.mbox('DADEOL/AOL Mail sorted/Saved.DADEOL Sent.mbox')
uniq_emails = set(email.utils.parseaddr(msg['to'])[1].lower() for msg in mbox)
for a in uniq_emails:
vitorio / testmess.js
Created November 23, 2015 00:12
PhantomJS 2 testing
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'),
t, address;
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
if (system.args.length === 1) {
console.log('Usage: testmess.js <some URL>');
vitorio /
Created December 11, 2015 21:56
Flickr API: find and fix "taken on" dates
#CC0 public domain dedication
#Find all the EXIF fields with the letters "date" and output them and their content
import flickrapi
api_key = u''
api_secret = u''
my_photoset = u''
my_user_id = u''
vitorio /
Created February 1, 2016 04:59
(2011) wget + moz-headless-screenshot to take screenshots of archived URLs
# Assumptions:
# moz-headless-screenshot in ./bin
# wget 1.12 in system path
# Ubuntu 10.10 defaults to Python 2.6.6 so we provide 2.7's subprocess module ourselves
# I guess we could also install 2.7
import optparse, urlparse, tempfile, subprocess271 as subprocess, os.path
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
options, args = parser.parse_args()