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weijing waleking

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paduvi /
Last active May 10, 2024 16:59
Hierarchical Softmax CNN Classification
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init as init
dropout_prob = 0.5
class FlatCnnLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embedding_size, sequence_length, filter_sizes=[3, 4, 5], out_channels=128):
super(FlatCnnLayer, self).__init__()
prats226 /
Created January 31, 2017 10:01
Sentiment classification using transfer learning
import collections, math, random, numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
sentences = """hated the movie it was stupid;\ni hated it so boring;\nawesome the movie was inspiring;\nhated it what a disaster;\nwe hated the movie they were idiotic;\nhe was stupid, hated her;\nstupid movie is boring;\ninspiring ourselves, awesome;\ninspiring me, brilliant;\nwe hated it they were rubbish;\nany inspiring movie is amazing;\nit was stupid what a disaster;\nits stupid, rubbish;\nstupid, idiotic!;\nawesome great movie;\nboring, must be hated;\nhe was boring the movie was stupid;\nboring movie was a disaster;\nboth boring and rubbish;\nso boring and idiotic;\ngreat to amazing;\ndisaster, more than hated;\nbetween disaster and stupid;\ndisaster, so boring;\nawesome movie, brilliant;\ntoo awesome she was amazing;\nhe was brilliant loved it;\ndisaster, only idiotic;\nrubbish movie hated him;\nit was rubbish, why so stupid?;\nrubbish, too boring;\nrubbish, disaster!;\nrubbish, very
vasanthk / System
Last active March 6, 2025 11:22
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
djonsson /
Last active November 11, 2022 21:10
OS X installation instructions for Elasticsearch + Kibana + Marvel

What is this?

Following this guide will set up a local Elasticsearch with Kibana and Marvel using Homebrew and Homebrew Cask


If you already have Java installed on your system, skip steps Install Cask and Install Java

If you already have Java and Homebrew installed on your system, skip steps Prerequisites, start at Install Elasticsearch and Kibana after running $ brew update

Install Homebrew

  • $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
FlorianWolters / CMakeLists.txt
Last active January 20, 2025 00:32
Add Boost C++ Libraries as a dependency with plain CMake
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Florian Wolters
# MIT License
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.26.3)
esperlu /
Created April 27, 2011 05:46
MySQL to Sqlite converter
# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the
# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs.
# Awk is choosen because it's fast and portable. You can use gawk, original awk or even the lightning fast mawk.
# The mysqldump file is traversed only once.
# Usage: $ ./mysql2sqlite mysqldump-opts db-name | sqlite3 database.sqlite
# Example: $ ./mysql2sqlite --no-data -u root -pMySecretPassWord myDbase | sqlite3 database.sqlite
luispedro / lda.tex
Created April 5, 2011 16:29
\node (theta) at (0,0) [circle, draw] {$\theta$};
\node (z) at (2,0) [circle, draw] {$z$};
\node (w) at (4,0) [circle, draw] {$w$};
\node (alpha) at (1,2) [circle, draw] {$\alpha$};
artisonian /
Created July 27, 2010 19:24
A simple GridFS server built with Flask
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for, make_response, abort
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from pymongo import Connection
from pymongo.objectid import ObjectId
from gridfs import GridFS
from gridfs.errors import NoFile
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'])
DB = Connection().gridfs_server_test
FS = GridFS(DB)