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I may be slow to respond.

Angie Byron webchick

I may be slow to respond.
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webchick / drupal-hooks-by-implementation
Last active April 9, 2020 10:00
A list of hooks in all* Drupal contrib modules (6.x and 7.x), in descending order of how often they're implemented. (Consolidated a few that were renamed between 6 and 7) * Within a rounding error. :P
[hook_menu] => 6744
[hook_uninstall] => 4742
[hook_perm(ission)] => 4012
[hook_install] => 3751
[hook_theme] => 3525
[hook_schema] => 3003
[hook_help] => 2465
[hook_form_alter] => 2273
--- node.tpl.php 2012-10-12 10:22:00.000000000 -0700
+++ node.twig 2012-10-12 10:23:20.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
* @file
* Default theme implementation to display a node.
$enabled_modules = config('system.module')->get('enabled');
$module_files = state()->get('system.module.files');
foreach ($enabled_modules as $name => $weight) {
// Build a list of all enabled modules.
$lists['module_enabled'][$name] = $name;
// Build a list of filenames so drupal_get_filename can use it.
$lists['filepaths'][] = array(
'type' => 'module',
'name' => $name,
'filepath' => $module_files[$name],
The one thing I find questionable is the leaderboard thing
simply because what I see happening is the "old school" people are at the top and stay at the top forever
We'd need a means of doing it by month or something
but profile doesn't log *when* a field was altered and what the "diff" was
Which makes calculating such a thing tricky
And leaderboards that are the stale list of the same 10 people month after month don't actually achieve the motivation factor you're looking for imo
So I would prefer to de-couple these
As the profile field takes 8 seconds
But the leaderboard is a different question that might need more thinkering
pi.nid, pi_pid, pic_pid,
pi.rid pi_rid,
pic.rid pic_rid,
n.created, priority, status,
webchick / gist:2802307
Created May 27, 2012 05:47
PSR-0 sux - 198 users - 0 users - 0 users - 4 users - 853 users - 0 users - 738 users - 95 users - 0 users - 0 users
webchick / gist:2503918
Created April 26, 2012 22:53
Only bluecheese errors.
Notice: Undefined index: right in bluecheese_preprocess_page() (line 7 of /var/www/
Warning: Illegal offset type in unset in drupal_get_messages() (line 1791 of /var/www/
Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in drupal_get_messages() (line 1793 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: search_box in include() (line 21 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: content_top in include() (line 86 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: right in include() (line 104 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: content_bottom in include() (line 112 of /var/www/
webchick / gist:2503585
Created April 26, 2012 22:09
Notice: Undefined index: in drupalorg_preprocess_drupalorg_home() (line 504 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_modules in include() (line 30 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_themes in include() (line 31 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_distributions in include() (line 32 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_git_accounts in include() (line 33 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_git_commits in include() (line 37 of /var/www/
webchick / gist:2503145
Created April 26, 2012 20:56
Notice: Undefined index: in drupalorg_preprocess_drupalorg_home() (line 504 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_modules in include() (line 30 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_themes in include() (line 31 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_distributions in include() (line 32 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_git_accounts in include() (line 33 of /var/www/
Notice: Undefined variable: number_of_git_commits in include() (line 37 of /var/www/
webchick / gist:2381298
Created April 14, 2012 01:18
2012-04-05 DA Townhall (no scribe :\)
10:05:43 AM webchick: Hey folks. Sorry, I can't scribe today. If someone else can do that, that'd be great!
10:07:39 AM jredding: Quick agenda today is:
10:07:44 AM jredding: DrupalCon Denver Wrapup
10:07:49 AM jredding: Improvements to
10:07:53 AM jredding: DrupalCon Sao Paulo
10:07:55 AM jredding: Drupal days
10:08:06 AM jredding: and report back on the Community Leadership Summit at DrupalCon Denver
10:08:51 AM jeremyr: Utah is having their second DrupalCamp, Just wanted to say we are excited.
10:10:51 AM jeremyr: June 15th
10:10:51 AM jredding: When is that happening in Utah?