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danvbe /
Last active February 20, 2025 12:31
A way to integrate FosUserBundle and HWIOAuthBundle

I have managed to install this… and make it work. I implemented it for Facebook and Google, but you can extend it. My solution it is mostly as described in #116, with a bit of more code presented. The key aspects that lack in the #116 presentation (IMO) are:

  • the registration as service of your custom FOSUBUserProvider (with the necessary parameters)
  • set the service for oauth_user_provider in the security.yml with your custom created service

Here are the steps:

  1. Routing. In routing.yml I have added all the routes for both bundles.
  2. Configuration. I have set the config.yml mostly as it is presented in the HWIOAuthBundle.
  3. Security. I have set the security.yml mostly as it is presented in the HWIOAuthBundle (though my routes are using /login pattern, not /connect). Also, the oauth_user_provider is set for my custom service.
K-Phoen / config.yml
Created December 18, 2012 11:22
Storing Symfony2 sessions in memcached
# ....
- { resource: services/session.yml }
# ....
handler_id: session.handler.memcached
jmather / SiteListBuilder.php
Created August 14, 2011 06:43
How to link a many-to-many properly in Symfony2 with Sonata Admin Bundle
namespace Majax\PortalBundle\Builder;
use Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry;
class SiteListBuilder {
/** @var \Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry */
private $orm;
public function __construct($orm)